VA01 - Create Sales Order
VA02 - Change Sales Order
VA03 - Display Sales Order
VOV8 - Document Type Maintenance
VA05 - List of Sales Orders
VOV7 - Maintain Item Categories
VA21 - Create Quotation
VA41 - Create Contract
VTFF - Bill to bill copying control
NACE - WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen
VBKD - Bonus Buy: Condition Types
VOFM - Configuration for Reqs, Formulae
VARA - Archiving
VF06 - Batch billing
VF21 - Create Invoice List
VF44 - Revenue Recognition: Worklist
OVA8 - Automatic Credit Checks
VKM3 - Sales Documents
CO09 - Availability Overview
VKM1 - Blocked SD Documents
VORA - Archiving Control for Sales Doc.
VF31 - Output from Billing Documents
OVZ9 - SD Cust. Control Availability Check
VKM4 - SD Documents
CO06 - Backorder Processing
VV31 - Create Output : Billing
VOTXN - Maintain Text Customizing
MCTA - SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection
MCTC - SIS: Material Analysis - Selection
MCTI - SIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection
MCTE - SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection
V_V2 - Updating Sales Documents by Material
VA00 - Initial Sales Menu
VOV4 - Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.
VA11 - Create Inquiry
VA22 - Change Quotation
VOV6 - Maintain Schedule Line Categories
VF05 - List Billing Documents
VF01 - Create Billing Document
VF02 - Change Billing Document
VF04 - Maintain Billing Due List
VF03 - Display Billing Document
VTFL - Delivery to bill copying control
VF11 - Cancel Billing Document
VTFA - Order to bill copying control
VFX3 - List Blocked Billing Documents
VTAA - Order to order copying control
VTLA - Order to delivery copying control
VTAF - Bill. doc. to order copying control
MCV9 - Call Up List of Incomplete Documents
MCTG - SIS: Sales Office Analysis Selection
MCTK - SIS: Shipping Pt. Analysis Selection
MCSC - SIS: Display Evaluation
MCV5 - Call Up Price List w.Stepped Display
MCVCHECK01 - SIS: Update Group Check
MCSA - SIS: Create Evaluation
MCVCHECK02 - SIS: Header STAFO Check
MCTV03 - SIS: Address List - Selection
VBKD - Bonus Buy: Condition Types
VF02 - Change Billing Document
VOFM - Configuration for Reqs, Formulae
VA03 - Display Sales Order
VF04 - Maintain Billing Due List
VKOA - Accnt Determination
VOV8 - Document Type Maintenance
VA05 - List of Sales Orders
VF03 - Display Billing Document
VTFL - Delivery to bill copying control
VEFU - Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data
VE01 - INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU
LEMA - Dun long-term vendor decl. (vendor)
VI49 - Foreign Trade Data Control in Doc.
ENGR - Periodic Declarations
VI29 - Incompletion - Foreign Trade Data
VX22 - Change license data (old)
ARKO - KOBRA: Archiving
VX13N - Display financial document
OVBR - Assignment to Item Category
OVBS - Rule Table for Determining Dates
VC00 - Sales Support
WPMA - POS Download: Manual Request
WPER - POS interface monitor
WPUK - POS simulation
WPMU - POS download: change message
WLB1 - Investment Buying Reqrmnt Determntn
WVFB - Inbound store order processing
WLB3 - Autom. opt. PO-based load building
WPMI - POS download: initialization
WVFI - Simulation: Store Physical Inventory
WPER2 - POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports
WPUW - Goods movements simulation
WPED - Sales Audit Editor
MCV6 - Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List
VA01 - Create Sales Order
VA02 - Change Sales Order
VF01 - Create Billing Document
NACE - WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen
VK11 - Create Condition
W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN - Maintain Price Catalog
WPRI - PRICAT on the Internet
WPRI6 - Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem
WPRI7 - Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyItem
W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_002 - Assignment ILN Mat.Gr. SAP Mat. Gr.
W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_003 - Assignment SAP Mat. Gr. - Purch.Gr.
W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_001 - Assignment ILN Vendor Pur. Group
PRICATLOGOUT - PRICAT: Display Application Log
WDLS - Delete Error Messages
WLB2 - Investment buying analysis
WVFD - Process phys. inventory doc. further
VOE4 - SD EDI Conversion
VOE2 - SD EDI Customer/Vendor
VPRICAT - Maintain and Create Price Catalog
SMME - Output control Message Block Table
VOE1 - Maintain EDPST
VPRE - PRICAT manual creation
VOE3 - SD EDI Partner Functions
VC/2 - Customer Master Data Sheet
VC01N - Edit Sales Activity
VC01 - Create Sales Activity
VC/1 - List of Customers
OV3Z - Determine Prod. Allocation Hierarchy
OV1Z - Define Product Allocation Procedure
OV4Z - Product Allocation Control
VBO2 - Change Rebate Agreement
V/07 - Maintain Access (Sales Price)
LEER - Create long-term VenDecl. (customer)
VPM4 - Merge: Japan - Import Code Number
VX11N - Create financial document
VINK - Import Processing: Quota Number
VK11 - Create Condition
VC05 - Sales support monitor
VC02 - Change Sales Activity
OV7Z - Create Characteristics for Rem.Alloc
VC03 - Display Sales Activity
OV2Z - Define Product Allocation Object
UPDA - Foreign Trade: Mater data transfer
OVKK - C RV Table T683V "ProcedrDeterminatn
VOFA - Billing Doc: Document Type
VK13 - Display Condition
VBOF - Rebate: Update Billing Documents
VOR2 - Joint Master Data: Division
VBN1 - Free goods - Create (SD)
V/LD - Execute pricing report
VKOA - Accnt Determination
V/06 - Condition Categories: SD Pricing
VK12 - Change Condition
V/08 - Conditions: Procedure for A V
Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Manager
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