SAP Tutorials Blog

ME21N - Create Purchase Order
ME22N - Change Purchase Order
ME23N - Display Purchase Order
ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition
ME21 - Create Purchase Order
OX15 Create Company
OX02 Create Company Code
OX10 Create Plant
OX09 Create Storage Location
OX08 Create Purchasing Organization
OME4 Create Purchasing Group
OX18 Assign Plant to Company Code
OX01 Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
OX17 Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant
MM01 Create Material
MM02 Change Material
MM03 Display Material
MB51 Material Document List
MMDE Delete All Materials
MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges
XK01 Create Vendor
XK02 Change Vendor
XK03 Display Vendor
ML33 Create Vendor Conditions
ME11 Maintain Purchasing Info Record
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition
ME53N Display Purchase Requisition
ME41 Create RFQ/Quotation
ME42 Change RFQ/Quotation
ME43 Display RFQ/Quotation
ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement
ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement
ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement
MEQ1 Create Quota Arrangement
MEQ2 Change Quota Arrangement
MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement
ME21N Create Purchase Order
ME22N Change Purchase Order
ME23N Display Purchase Order
ME29N Release Purchase Order
ME59N Automatic generation of Purchase Order
MIGO Post Goods Movement
MB1A Goods Withdrawal
MB1B Transfer Posting
MB1C Post Other Goods Receipts
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
OMJJ Customizing: Define New Movement Types
MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice
MIRA Fast Invoice Entry
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
OMR6 Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification
MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR7 Park Invoice
MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan
AC02 Service Master
ML81N Create Service Entry Sheet
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement
MMB1 Create Semi-Finished Product
MMF1 Create Finished Product
MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging
MMH1 Create Trading Goods
MMI1 Create Operating Supplies
MMK1 Create Configurable Material
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material
MMBE Stock Overview
MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB21 Create Reservation
MRKO - Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs.
MR8M - Cancel Invoice Document
MRBR - Release Blocked Invoices
OMRI - C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters
MRRL - Evaluated Receipt Settlement
MIR4 - Call MIRO - Change Status
MIRA - Fast Invoice Entry
MIR6 - Invoice Overview
OMR6 - Tolerance limits: Inv.Verification
MRIS - Settle Invoicing Plan
MIR5 - Display List of Invoice Documents
MBST Cancel Material Document
MB5T Stock in Transit
ME2N - Purchase Orders by PO Number
ME2O - SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)
ME11 - Create Purchasing Info Record
ME52N - Change Purchase Requisition
ME9F - Message Output: Purchase Orders
ME59N - Automatic generation of POs
ME29N - Release purchase order
ME28 - Release Purchase Order
ME22 - Change Purchase Order
ME59 - Automatic Generation of POs
MIRO - Enter Incoming Invoice
MR21 - Price Change
MIR7 - Park Invoice
MR22 - Material Debit/Credit
ML81N - Service Entry Sheet
AC03 - Service Master
AC10 - Class Hierarchy with Services
ME21N - Create Purchase Order
ME22N - Change Purchase Order
MB1B - Transfer Posting
MB51 - Material Doc. List
ME23N - Display Purchase Order
MB1A - Goods Withdrawal
MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition
MB5B - Stocks for Posting Date
MR21 - Price Change
ML81N - Service Entry Sheet
MB52 - List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB01 - Post Goods Receipt for PO
AC01 - Service Master
ML81 - Maintain Service Entry Sheet
ML85 - Collective Release of Entry Sheets
ME2S - Services per Purchase Order
ML84 - List of Service Entry Sheets
AC06 - List Display: Service Master
ML33 - Create Vendor Conditions
ML83 - Message Processing: Service Entry
AC02 - Service Master
ML45 - Display Service Conditions
ML91 - Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt.
ML10 - Create Model Service Specifications
MIGO - Goods Movement
MIRO - Enter Incoming Invoice
MIGO - Goods Movement
MB1B - Transfer Posting
MB51 - Material Doc. List
MB1A - Goods Withdrawal
MB1C - Other Goods Receipts
MB5B - Stocks for Posting Date
MB52 - List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB01 - Post Goods Receipt for PO
MB31 - Goods Receipt for Production Order
OMJJ - Customizing: New Movement Types
MB21 - Create Reservation
MBST - Cancel Material Document
MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents
MB5L - List of Stock Values: Balances
MB5T - Stock in transit CC

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Manager
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