What is SAP Fiori? User Interface of SAP

SAP Fiori is the user interface or user experience that complements and can replace the SAP GUI. Fiori is an enhanced application that offers a customizable role-based user experience across all business lines, tasks and devices.

SAP Fiori, made available by SAP, is made available for simplicity and convenience. SAP Fiori, which can work seamlessly with all devices, has been designed so that users can work without the need to access a computer.

SAP Fiori delivers job roles simultaneously with compatible handsets. It provides simple, easy-to-use job roles on desktop, tablets and smartphones. SAP Fiori enables multiple device applications that allow users to start a transaction on smart devices and then continue it from a different device. SAP has developed Fiori Apps based on the UI5 user unit.

The Experience of Fiori

“User Experience” has become a very important issue with the end-user expectations changing significantly in the current century. As its use increased, user feedback was towards improving the UX experience.

With the increasing and changing customer demands, SAP launched SAP Fiori. SAP Fiori was first introduced in 2013. When Fiori was introduced, it had limited content covering 25 apps and was considered a simple, straightforward solution that could be accessed from multiple devices.

SAP Fiori programs contain UX-oriented applications. These applications are; Suitable for desktop, tablet and smartphones. Every new service of SAP is created with the modern design logic of SAP Fiori. The goal is to provide SAP customers with an end-to-end experience.

SAP Fiori Properties

Role-based: SAP transforms various SAP transactions into applications that show users the most relevant data.

Adaptable: SAP Fiori facilitates the ability to work independently of time, place and device. Relevant data provides immediate insight.

Simple: It provides ease of use by being simple and accessible. Fiori focuses on core functions. You can customize it to target specific events and tasks.

Consistency: Whatever your tasks, Fiori provides consistent visual design language and interactivity.

Uninterrupted Access: Fiori is set to work with ECC 6.0 for ease of use.

Types of SAP Fiori Applications

SAP Fiori offers three types of applications, distinguished by infrastructure requirements and focus:

Transactional Apps

Facts Sheets

Analytical apps (Analytical Apps)