As Simple As SY-ABCDE!

1. In a character string where you want to check whether a string contains any alphabets, try using this one!


           IF lv_test CA sy-abcde.                            "Contains Any A to Z


SY-ABCDE only checks for CAPITALS A-Z, hence the need to translate the variable to uppercase first.

2. To check whether a char datatype variable contains only numeric characters or not, use this:

    e.g. IF lv_var CN '1234567890.'               "Doesn't contain 0 to 9 and decimal point (.)           .........

You might as well use sy-abcde to check if user has keyed in other than numerics characters, but it is safer to use the latter (1234567890.) because there is possibility that user might key in symbols as well.

NOTES: Logical Expressions for String Fields

CO - Contains

CN - Does Not Contain / Inverse of Contains

CA - Contains Any

NA - Contains None / Inverse of Contains Any

CS - Contains String

NS - Does Not Contain String / Inverse of Contains String

CP - Contains Pattern

NP - Does Not Contain Pattern / Inverse of Contains Pattern


Computer Engineer

SAP Department Deputy Manager

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