Scenario: There are times when the client wanted to print 4 copies for each of their Delivery Order (DO) form (all with the same DO number). They want different texts to be printed on each of the 4 copies.


1. Create a new window with the Window Type - 'Copies Window'.

2. Select 'Only Copies - Copies Differ'.

3. Insert program lines or texts under the node, as in my case:

    - page 1 should print 'Delivery Copy'

    - page 2 should print 'Warehouse Copy'

    - page 3 should print 'Vendor Copy'

    - page 4 should print 'Area Manager Copy'

4. The current 'Copy Number' can be obtained using &SFSY-COPYCOUNT&.

5. Or if you don't want to refer to it directly so you can manipulate it in you program line, just declare a global variable and move the value to your own variable, e.g:

    @Global Definitions:

        gv_copycount LIKE sfsy-copycount.

    @Program Lines:

       MOVE sfsy-copycount TO gv_copycount. 

       IF gv_copycount = '001'.

         gv_copytext = 'Delivery Copy'.



Computer Engineer

SAP Department Deputy Manager

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