Create an Internal table as :
   data: Begin itab occurs 0,
           cb_field type char1,
           matnr like mara-matnr,
          end of itab.
 Now you fetch the data into the internal table of itab using 
   some query...
   select * ......
  Now you are going to display it as....
    Loop at itab.
    write:/ cb_field as checkbox...
    at this time only write the Hide statement.... as...
    HIDE: values.... u want...
Now capturing of selected data process...
 This can be done by clicking on some USER Command button...
  for suppose you're clicking F8 means...
  AT pf8.
  IF SY-LSIND = 1.
  describe table itab lines VARIABLE NAME.
    cnt = 3. " Initiate value for Count 3 if you're including page header.
    do VARIABLE NAME times.
      read line cnt. " Above counter....
      if sy-lisel(1) =   'X'.
        WRITE:/ 'SELECTED RECORDS:', itab-cb_field,.....
      COUNTER = COUNTER - 1.
      cnt = cnt + 1.

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP MM SD Consultant
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