REPORT ZALV_ICON . ************************************************************************ * Include Programs ************************************************************************ INCLUDE <icon>. ************************************************************************ * Database Tables ************************************************************************ TABLES: kna1. "Customer Master ************************************************************************ * Types ************************************************************************ TYPE-POOLS: kkblo. ************************************************************************ * Structures ************************************************************************ * Structure to hold the Color Information DATA: BEGIN OF st_color, color(3) TYPE c, END OF st_color. * Structure to hold the Icon Information DATA: BEGIN OF st_icon, icon(4) TYPE c, END OF st_icon. * ALV Field Catalog Structure DATA: st_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv. * ALV Layout Structure DATA: st_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv. ************************************************************************ * Internal Tables ************************************************************************ * Output Table DATA: BEGIN OF tbl_kna1 OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE st_icon. "Icon Structure INCLUDE STRUCTURE kna1. "Customer Master Structure INCLUDE STRUCTURE st_color. "Color Structure DATA: END OF tbl_kna1. * ALV Field Catalog Table DATA: tbl_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv. ************************************************************************ * Variables ************************************************************************ DATA: fieldname(30) TYPE c, g_repid LIKE sy-repid. ************************************************************************ * Start of Selection ************************************************************************ START-OF-SELECTION. g_repid = sy-repid. PERFORM get_data. ************************************************************************ * End of Selection ************************************************************************ END-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM do_fancy_stuff. PERFORM get_layout. PERFORM get_fieldcat. PERFORM create_report. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_REPORT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Learn to read the subroutine name! *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_report. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_interface_check = ' ' i_callback_program = g_repid i_callback_user_command = 'PROCESS_USER_COMMANDS' it_fieldcat = tbl_fieldcat i_default = 'X' i_save = ' ' is_layout = st_layout TABLES t_outtab = tbl_kna1 EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " CREATE_REPORT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GET_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build the Field Catalog *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_fieldcat. * Here the field catalog is created. To display more fields simply * 'uncomment' the additional lines and add the field name. Also note * that the field catalog is much more powerful than this. You can * intensify fields, change the colour, assign reference fields, etc. * Look at type slis_fieldcat_alv for more options. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'ICON' 'TBL_KNA1' ' ' 'X' 1 '2' 'X' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'KUNNR' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' 'X' 2 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'NAME1' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 3 '10' ' ' 'X'. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'STRAS' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'TELF1' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 5 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'ORT01' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 6 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'PSTLZ' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'SORTL' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 8 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'ERNAM' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 9 ' ' ' ' ' '. PERFORM write_fieldcat USING 'SPRAS' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 10 ' ' ' ' ' '. * perform write_fieldcat using ' ' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 10 ' '. * perform write_fieldcat using ' ' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 11 ' '. * perform write_fieldcat using ' ' 'TBL_KNA1' 'KNA1' ' ' 12 ' '. ENDFORM. " GET_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form WRITE_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Write the Field Catalog data to the Field Catalog Table *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->name Field name * -->tab Table name * -->st Structure Name * -->key Is this field a Key? * -->pos Position Number * -->length Field Length * -->icon Display as Icon * -->hot Hotspot *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM write_fieldcat USING name tab st key pos length icon hot. st_fieldcat-fieldname = name. st_fieldcat-tabname = tab. st_fieldcat-ref_tabname = st. st_fieldcat-key = key. st_fieldcat-col_pos = pos. st_fieldcat-outputlen = length. st_fieldcat-icon = icon. st_fieldcat-hotspot = hot. APPEND st_fieldcat TO tbl_fieldcat. CLEAR st_fieldcat. ENDFORM. " WRITE_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form PROCESS_USER_COMMANDS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interactive Reporting Commands *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM process_user_commands USING syst-ucomm LIKE syst-ucomm selfield TYPE slis_selfield. * This subroutine is called when there is user interaction in the output * In this case if the user double clicks the Customer Number then the * program will call transaction XD03 and display the Customer Master * Data CASE syst-ucomm. WHEN '&IC1'. * get cursor field fieldname. READ TABLE tbl_kna1 INDEX selfield-tabindex. SET PARAMETER ID 'KUN' FIELD tbl_kna1-kunnr. CALL TRANSACTION 'XD03' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " PROCESS_USER_COMMANDS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GET_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * set the layout of the ALV. * add color to the row? *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_layout. st_layout-info_fieldname = 'COLOR'. st_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. st_layout-get_selinfos = 'X'. ENDFORM. " GET_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get some data to play with *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_data. SELECT * FROM kna1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE tbl_kna1 UP TO 30 ROWS. ENDFORM. " get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form do_fancy_stuff *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Do some fancy pants stuff for example changing the color of * lines and adding icons *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM do_fancy_stuff. * Here we will demonstrate changing the color of ALV Record lines as * well as displaying Icons LOOP AT tbl_kna1. * All records where NAME1 begins with 'M', will be displayed in Bluish * Green IF tbl_kna1-name1(1) EQ 'M'. tbl_kna1-color = 'C41'. "Bluish Green MODIFY tbl_kna1 TRANSPORTING color. ENDIF. * All records with no TELF1 will be displayed in White and have a * Warning Icon IF tbl_kna1-telf1 IS INITIAL. tbl_kna1-color = 'C00'. "White tbl_kna1-icon = '@AH@'. "Warning Icon MODIFY tbl_kna1 TRANSPORTING icon color. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. " do_fancy_stuff
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