Auto refresh functionality in ALV can be implemented using class CL_GUI_TIMER. In this blog I will explain how to use this class.

Class CL_GUI_TIMER raises event FINISHED after the timer has completed its INTERVAL in seconds. You can create event listener method for event FINISHED and in this method you can code/call logic which will refresh data in ALV.
To put in step-by-step fashion, you need to do following to implement this Auto refresh ALV functionality.
  1. Define reference of class CL_GUI_TIMER.
  2. Define event handling method for event FINISHED of class CL_GUI_TIMER.
  3. Initialise object CL_GUI_TIMER.
  4. Bind event handling method to object of CL_GUI_TIMER
  5. Set interval for timer.
  6. Call method RUN of CL_GUI_TIMER.
  7. Your event handing method will be call after interval has reached. In event handling method once you have refreshed ALV data call RUN method of CL_GUI_TIMER again to activate timer. Note that timer doesn’t automatically repeat itself you will have to call RUN if you want it going.
Below is working code where you can see all this in action.
REPORT  zpwauthorefresh.
TABLES : spfli.
TYPES: tr_carrid TYPE RANGE OF spfli-carrid .
* Data
*       CLASS cl_spfli DEFINITION
*   1. Define reference of class CL_GUI_TIMER.
    DATA : ob_timer  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_timer .
    METHODS : set_filter IMPORTING filter TYPE tr_carrid ,
              display_report ,
*             2. Define event handling method for event FINISHED of class CL_GUI_TIMER.
              timer_event FOR EVENT finished OF cl_gui_timer.
    DATA : r_carrid TYPE tr_carrid ,
           i_spfli TYPE TABLE OF spfli .
    DATA : ob_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid .
    METHODS : get_data .
ENDCLASS .                    "cl_spfli DEFINITION
  METHOD set_filter .
    me->r_carrid = filter .
  ENDMETHOD .                    "set_filter
  METHOD get_data .
    SELECT *
      INTO TABLE i_spfli
      FROM spfli
     WHERE carrid IN r_carrid .
  ENDMETHOD .                    "get_data
  METHOD timer_event .
    me->get_data( ) .
    IF me->ob_grid IS INITIAL .
          e_grid = ob_grid.
    CALL METHOD ob_grid->check_changed_data .
    MESSAGE sy-uzeit TYPE 'S' .
*   7. Call RUN method of CL_GUI_TIMER again to activate timer
    me->ob_timer->run( ) .
  ENDMETHOD .                    "timer_event
  METHOD display_report .
    me->get_data( ) .
        i_structure_name = 'SPFLI'
        t_outtab         = me->i_spfli.
  ENDMETHOD .                    "display_report
ENDCLASS .                    "cl_spfli IMPLEMENTATION
DATA : ob_spfli  TYPE REF TO cl_spfli ,
       ob_timer  TYPE REF TO cl_gui_timer .
* Selection Screen
SELECT-OPTIONS s_carrid FOR spfli-carrid .
PARAMETERS : p_refres  TYPE char01 AS CHECKBOX ,
             p_int     TYPE i      .
* Start of Selection
* Create main object
  CREATE OBJECT ob_spfli .
  ob_spfli->set_filter( s_carrid[] ) .
* If Auto refresh required then initialise timer object
* Bind event listner method to object
* Set interval and call method run
  IF p_refres IS NOT INITIAL .
*   3. Initialise object CL_GUI_TIMER.
    CREATE OBJECT ob_spfli->ob_timer .
*   4. Bind event handling method to object of CL_GUI_TIMER
    SET HANDLER ob_spfli->timer_event FOR ob_spfli->ob_timer .
*   5. Set interval for timer
    ob_spfli->ob_timer->interval = p_int .
*   6. Call method RUN of CL_GUI_TIMER.
    ob_spfli->ob_timer->run( ) .
* Display ALV report
  ob_spfli->display_report( ) .
Computer Engineer / ABAP Developer
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