tables: sscrfields. selection-screen begin of block blog with frame title text-014. selection-screen pushbutton /01(29) but1 user-command but1. selection-screen end of block blog .
data: gv_icon_name type iconname, gv_button_text(20) type c, gv_quickinfo like smp_dyntxt-quickinfo, gv_icon_str(255) type c. initialization. gv_icon_name = 'ICON_LIST'. " 'ICON_DISPLAY_MORE'. gv_button_text = 'giriÅŸ yap'. concatenate gv_button_text text-akt into gv_quickinfo separated by space.
call function 'ICON_CREATE' exporting name = gv_icon_name text = gv_button_text info = gv_quickinfo * ADD_STDINF = 'X' importing result = gv_icon_str exceptions others = 0. "not interested in errors
but1 = gv_icon_str .
at selection-screen . if sscrfields-ucomm eq 'BUT1'. MESSAGE e000(yuauth) WITH 'HATA DENEME'. ENDIF.
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