SAP Tutorials Blog


DATA(a) = CONV decfloat34( '0.4' ).

"Instead of

DATA b TYPE decfloat34 VALUE '0.4'.


DATA c TYPE decfloat34.

c = '0.4'.

"Using the VALUE operator to construct elementary data objects 

"and provide values is not possible. 

"It is only possible to create an elementary data object with 

"an initial value. 

DATA(d) = VALUE string( ).

"This way it basically corresponds to a declaration as follows,

"which does not specify a start value with the addition VALUE.

DATA e TYPE string.

"Redundant conversion

"The variable derives the type (string) automatically from the 

"literal with the backquotes on the right-hand side.

DATA(f) = `hallo`.

"Produces a syntax warning

"DATA(g) = CONV string( `hallo` ).


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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