SAP Tutorials Blog


"The following examples demonstrate secondary table keys that are possible for all table categories.

DATA it17 TYPE TABLE OF zdemo_abap_fli                      "standard table

  WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY carrid connid                         "primary table key

  WITH UNIQUE SORTED KEY cities COMPONENTS cityfrom cityto. "secondary table key

DATA it18 TYPE HASHED TABLE OF zdemo_abap_fli               "hashed table

  WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid connid

  WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY airports COMPONENTS airpfrom airpto.

DATA it19 TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zdemo_abap_fli              "sorted table

  WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid connid

  WITH UNIQUE HASHED KEY countries COMPONENTS countryfr countryto.


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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