SAP Tutorials Blog




SY-CUCOL - Horizontal cursor position Counting starts at column 2

SY-CUROW - Vertical cursor position Counting starts at row 1

SY-DATAR - Set to X at time of PAI if at least one screen input field was changed by the user or other data transfer, otherwise empty.

SY-LOOPC - Number of rows currently displayed in a screen table (table control).

SY-SCOLS - Number of columns in current screen.

SY-SROWS - Number of rows in current screen.

SY-STEPL - Index of current row in a screen table (table control). Is set at every loop pass. Outside a loop, for example during the POV(Process On Value Request) event for a table row, SY-STEPL is not set appropriately.

SY-TITLE - Text that appears in the title bar of the screen. For selection screens and lists this is the program name, otherwise SAP R/3. Can be set during PBO (Process Before Output) using SET TITLEBAR.

SY-UCOMM - Function code that triggered the event PAI. Every user action that triggers PAI is assigned a unique function code, with one exception: Choosing Enter triggers PAI and different function codes can be transferred to SY-UCOMM:


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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