SAP Tutorials Blog

Function group

Include program

Subroutine pool

Interface pool

Class pool

Subroutine pool Function groups are libraries of self-contained function modules (enclosed by FUNCTION/ENDFUNCTION and invoked with CALL FUNCTION).

ii) An INCLUDE module gets included at generation time into the calling unit; it is often used to subdivide large programs.

iii) Subroutine pools contain ABAP subroutines (blocks of code enclosed by FORM/ENDFORM statements and invoked with PERFORM).

iv) Object classes and interfaces are similar to Java classes and interfaces; the first define a set of methods and attributes, the second contain "empty" method definitions, for which any class implementing the interface must provide explicit code.

v) Class type pools define collections of data types and constants.

Prior to Release 4.6, you had to specify the internal one-character ID to select a program type. Now the program type is chosen based on the full name. The program type defines the basic technical attributes of a program, that is, which processing blocks a program may contain, how the program is handled and executed by the ABAP runtime environment, and whether it can work with its own screens.


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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