SAP Tutorials Blog


Appending Lines:

APPEND [{<wa>|INITIAL LINE} TO] <itab>.

Appends a new line to table. For tables with a header line the source area can be omitted. After statement, the SY-TABIX contains the index of the appended line.

APPEND LINES OF <itab1> [FROM <idx1>] [TO <idx2>] TO <itab2>.

Appends lines from one table to another table. Default appends entire table. After statement, the SY-TABIX contains the index of the last appended line. About 3 to 4 times faster than appending lines line by line in a loop.

APPEND [<wa> TO] <itab> SORTED BY <f>.

Inserts the new line so that the internal table <itab> is sorted in descending order by the field <f>. If you use the SORTED BY option, the table can contain only the number of lines specified in the OCCURS parameter. If you add more lines than specified, the last line is discarded. This is useful for creating ranked lists of limited length (e.g. "Top Ten"). For ranked lists containing more than 100 entries, use instead the SORT for performance reasons.


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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