SAP Tutorials Blog



EXIT: The EXIT command will stop the LOOP passings, exit from the SUBROUTINES..etc.

The behavior of EXIT keyword is depends on where you use it.

If you use EXIT keyword inside IF .. ENDIF., it will comes out of the program.

If you use EXIT inside LOOP .. ENDLOOP., it will come out of loop.

If you use EXIT inside FORM .. ENDFORM., it will comes out of form (subroutine)

Leave Program : LEAVE PROGRAM always leaves the current program - there is never any processing after LEAVE PROGRAM 


STOP is a statement which is used to stop processing an event block, ex: If I have two events START-OF-SELECTION and END-OF-SELECTION in my program, If I use STOP keyword in START-OF-SELECTION, the keyword will exits start-of-selection and goes to END-OF-SELECTION.


CONTINUE is a statement, which is used to skip execution of a record inside loop.. endloop, do..endo, while..endwhile etc. 


RETURN is a statement which is used to stop processing of current block immediately.


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Manager

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