Similar to structured data type, structured variable can be declared using BEGIN OFand END OF keywords.
DATA: BEGIN OF student,
id(5) TYPE n,
name(10) TYPE c,
dob TYPE d,
place(10) TYPE c,
END OF student.
We can also declare a structured variable by referring to an existing structured data type.
TYPES: BEGIN OF address,
name(10) TYPE c,
street(10) TYPE c,
place(10) TYPE c,
pincode(6) type n,
phone(10) type n,
END OF address.
Data: house_address type address,
office_address like house_address.
Each individual field of the structured variable can be accessed using hyphen (-). For example, name field of the house_address structure can be accessed using housing_address-name.
Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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