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We can insert one or more lines to ABAP internal tables using the INSERT statement. To insert a single line, first place the values we want to insert in a work area and use the INSERT statement to insert the values in the work area to internal table.

Syntax to insert a line to internal table

INSERT <work area> INTO TABLE <internal table>.
INSERT <work area> INTO <internal table> INDEX <index>.

The first INSERT statement without INDEX addition will simply add the record to the end of the internal table. But if we want to insert the line to specific location i.e. if we want to insert it as second record then we need to specify 2 as the index in the INSERT statement.

*Data Types
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_student,
       id(5)    TYPE n,
       name(10) TYPE c,
       END OF ty_student.

*Data Declaration
DATA: gwa_student TYPE ty_student.
DATA: it TYPE TABLE OF ty_student.

gwa_student-id    = 1.
gwa_student-name  = 'JOHN'.
INSERT gwa_student INTO TABLE it.

gwa_student-id    = 2.
gwa_student-name  = 'JIM'.
INSERT gwa_student INTO TABLE it.

gwa_student-id    = 3.
gwa_student-name  = 'JACK'.
INSERT gwa_student INTO TABLE it.

WRITE:/ 'ID' COLOR 5,7 'Name' COLOR 5.
LOOP AT it INTO gwa_student.
  WRITE:/ gwa_student-id, gwa_student-name.

WRITE:/ 'After using Index addition' COLOR 4.

gwa_student-id    = 4.
gwa_student-name  = 'RAM'.
INSERT gwa_student INTO it INDEX 2.

WRITE:/ 'ID' COLOR 5,7 'Name' COLOR 5.
LOOP AT it INTO gwa_student.
  WRITE:/ gwa_student-id, gwa_student-name.
Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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