SAP Tutorials Blog

 SW_WW10              IAC Product Catalog for SAP Store

SW10                 Delivery Verification
SWB_COND             Maintain Workflow Start Conditions
SWB_COND_DISPLAY     Display Workflow Start Conditions
SWB_PROCUREMENT      Maintain B2B Start Conditions
SWB3                 Maintain Start Conditions
SWB4                 Display Start Conditions
SWDA                 Alphanumeric Workflow Builder
SWDB                 Create workflow
SWDC                 Workflow Definition: Administration
SWDC_DEFINITION      Workflow Builder Administration
SWDC_INTERNAL        Workflow Definition: Administration
SWDC_RUNTIME         Maintain Administrator for Runtime
SWDD                 Workflow Builder
SWDD_CONFIG          Workflow Configuration
SWDI                 Workflow Builder (Selection)
SWDM                 Business Workflow Explorer
SWDN                 Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID
SWDP                 Show Graphical Workflow Log
SWDS                 Workflow Builder (Selection)
SWE_CD_TST           Test Environ. for Change Documents
SWE_SET_DELEGATION   Create Delegation in BOR
SWE2                 Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages
SWE3                 Display Instance Linkages
SWE4                 Status Change Event Trace
SWE5                 Checks for Event Linkages
SWEAD                Event Queue Administration
SWEC                 Event Linkage for Change Documents
SWED                 Assignment chng.doc./WF object type
SWEHR1               Linkage: Object Type to HR Infotype
SWEHR2               Event - Infotype Operation (SAP)
SWEHR3               Event-Infotype Operation (Customer)
SWEINST              Display Instance Linkages
SWEL                 Display Event Trace
SWELS                Switch Event Trace On/Off
SWEM                 Configure Event Trace
SWEQADM              Event Queue Administration
SWEQADM_1            Maintain Event Queue Administrator
SWEQBROWSER          Event Queue Browser
SWEQDEL              Delete Event Queue
SWETYPV              Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages
SWF_ADM_SUSPEND      Restart Suspended Workflows
SWF_ADM_SWWWIDH      Restart Suspended Deadlines
SWF_APPL_DISPLAY     Workflow: Application Log
SWF_AUTO             Automatic Workflow Customizing
SWF_BAM              BAM: Administration
SWF_BAM_TRC          Tracing for BAM
SWF_CCMS_CONFIG      CCMS: Configuration
SWF_CNT_MAINTENANCE  Diagnosis and Container Comparison
SWF_CRL1             Correlation Editor
SWF_DEBUG            Edit Workflow Breakpoints
SWF_GMP              Administrator Overview
SWF_GP               Guided Procedures
SWF_INB_ADM          Administration Inbound Processing
SWF_INB_CONF         Configuration Inbound Processing
SWF_INB_MON          Monitoring Inbound Processing
SWF_LOG_ADM          Administration for Log Profiles
SWF_OBJ_EXEC         Execute Object Method
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_BO      Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID)
SWF_OBJ_EXEC_CL      Execute Object Method (SIBFLPORB)
SWF_RESTART_CANCEL   Restart Suspended Cancel
SWF_RESTART_SUSPEND  Restart Suspended Callbacks
SWF_RFC_DEST         Configure RFC Destination
SWF_TRC              Workflow Trace: Display
SWF_TRC_ALL          Workflow Trace: Display All Comp.
SWF_TRC_DEMO         Workflow Trace: Display DEMO-K.
SWF_TRC_SEL          Workflow Trace: Display with Selectn
SWF_WAPI_TEST        Automatic Test of SAP_WAPI
SWF_XI_ADM_BPE       XI: Start/Stop BPE
SWF_XI_ARCHIV        Display Archived Processes
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING   Automatic BPM Customizing
SWF_XI_DISPATCH_SHOW Display Message Dispatcher
SWF_XI_DISPCLR_SHOW  Display Message Dispatcher Cleanup
SWF_XI_PBUILDER      Process Builder
SWF_XI_SWI1          Process Selection
SWF_XI_SWI14         Processes for One Message Type
SWF_XI_SWI2_DEAD     Processes with Missed Deadline
SWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG     Diagnosis Processes with Errors
SWF_XI_SWI6          Processes for a Message
SWF_XI_SWPC          Continue Process After System Crash
SWF_XI_SWPR          Continue Process Following Error
SWF_XI_SWU2          RFC Monitor
SWF_XMP1             XML Object Type Builder
SWF3                 Workflow Wizard Explorer
SWF4                 Workflow Wizard Repository
SWFC                 Automatic Workflow Customizing
SWFMOD_TRANSPORT     Transport workflow Modeler objects
SWFSLSA              Maintain Deadline Monitoring
SWFSLSC              Schedule Deadline-Monitoring Job
SWFSLST              Display Deadline-Monitoring Trace
SWFVISU              Workflow Visualization Metadata
SWH_ADM1             Work Item Upgrade: Definition GUID
SWH_PROCESS_INFO     Demo for Process Info System
SWI1                 Selection report for workflows
SWI1_COND            Check Conditions for Work Items
SWI1_RULE            Execute Rules for Work Items
SWI11                Where-Used List for Tasks
SWI13                Task Profile
SWI14                Workflows for Object Type
SWI2_ADM1            Work Items Without Agents
SWI2_ADM2            Work Items with Deleted Users
SWI2_DEAD            Work Items with Monitored Deadlines
SWI2_DIAG            Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors
SWI2_DURA            Work Items by Processing Duration
SWI2_FREQ            Work Items per Task
SWI3                 Workflow Outbox
SWI30                Unlock Workflows
SWI5                 Workload Analysis
SWI6                 Workflows for Object
SWIA                 WI Administration Report
SWIE                 Unlock Work Item
SWJ1                 Browser for Schedule Conditions
SWK1                 Start Work Item Execution/Display
SWK2                 Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID)
SWK3                 Execute object method (SIBFLPORB)
SWL1                 Settings for dynamic columns
SWLC                 Check Tasks for Agents
SWLD_INPLACE1        Demo Embedded Inbox
SWLD_INPLACE2        Demo Embedded Inbox (Professional)
SWLO                 Display work items for objects
SWLP                 Copy a Plan Version
SWLV                 Maintain Work Item Views
SWNADMIN             Administration of Notifications
SWNCONFIG            Configuration Notifications
SWNNOTIFDEL          Delete Notifications
SWNWIEX              WF Notification: Edit Work Item
SWO_ASYNC            Asynchronous Method Call in BOR
SWO1                 Business Object Builder
SWO2                 BOR Browser
SWO3                 Business Object Builder
SWO4                 Business Object Repository
SWO6                 Customizing Object Types
SWPA                 Runtime System Customizing
SWPC                 WFM: Continue Workflow
SWPR                 WFM: Restart Workflow
SWR_WEBSERVER        Web Server Customizing
SWRK                 Administrtation using work areas
SWRP                 Dummy for IAC Workflow Status
SWT0                 Configure workflow trace
SWTFILTER            Administration: Trace Activation
SWTREORG             Reorganization Trace for Requests
SWTREQ               Analyze Workflow Trace for Requests
SWU_CONT_PERSISTENCE Administrate Container Persistence
SWU_EWBTE            Wizard for Event Linkage (BTE)
SWU_EWCD             Wizard for Event Linkage (Chg. Doc.)
SWU_EWLIS            Wizard for Event Linkage (LIS)
SWU_OBUF             Runtime Buffer PD Org
SWU0                 Simulate event
SWU1                 User RFC Monitor
SWU10                Delete Workflow Trace Files
SWU2                 Workflow RFC Monitor
SWU3                 Automatic Workflow Customizing
SWU3_OLD             Consistency check: Customizing
SWU4                 Consistency Test for Standard Task
SWU5                 Consistency Test for Customer Task
SWU6                 Consistency Test for Workflow Task
SWU7                 Consistency Test for Workflow Templ.
SWU8                 Workflow Trace: On/Off
SWU9                 Display Workflow Trace
SWUA                 Start Verification Workflow
SWUB                 Maintain Workflow RFC Destination
SWUC                 Customizing decision task
SWUC_01              SAP Task Customizing
SWUD                 Workflow Diagnosis
SWUE                 Trigger an event
SWUG                 Generate Workflow Start Transaction
SWUI                 Start Workflow
SWUI_BENCHMARK       Start Performance Workflows
SWUI_DEMO            Start Demo Workflows
SWUI_SINGLE          Start Workflow (Parameter)
SWUI_START           Start Workflow (Task Group)
SWUI_VERIFY          Start Test Workflows
SWUI_WFUNIT          Start Unit Workflows
SWUK                 Mapping form type - mail address
SWUL                 Customizing: Process Administrator
SWUN                 Number Range Maintenance: FORMABSENC
SWUO_DEL             Deletion Report for Workflow Docs
SWUOCHECK            Test Report for Workflow Documents
SWUP                 Switch SAPforms Trace On/Off
SWUR                 Send mails for work items
SWUS                 Test Workflow
SWUS_WITH_REFERENCE  Workflow: Start with Reference
SWUT                 Namespace for Form Transactions
SWUU                 SAPforms: Diagnosis
SWUV                 Send E-Mail Notifications
SWUW                 Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID
SWUY                 Workflow-Message Linkage
SWW_ARCHIV           Display Workflows from Archive
SWW_DISPSWWCLEAR     Show Background Job for Clearing
SWW_DISPSWWCOND      Display: Background Job for Pre/Post
SWW_SARA             Archive Work Items
SWWA                 Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring
SWWB                 Schedule WI Deadline Monitoring
SWWCLEAR_DELETE      Unschedule Workflow Clearing Tasks
SWWCLEAR_INSERT      Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCLEAR'
SWWCOND_DELETE       Unschedule Work Item Rule Monitoring
SWWCOND_INSERT       Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCOND'
SWWD                 Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring
SWWDHEX_DEBUG        Work Item - Deadline Monitoring
SWWDHEX_DELETE       UnscheduleWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring
SWWERRE_DEBUG        Work Item - Error Monitoring (Debug)
SWWERRE_DELETE       Unschedule WorkItem Error Monitoring
SWWERRE_INSERT       Workflow: Batch Job 'SWWERRE'
SWWH                 WIM: Delete Work Item History
SWWL                 WIM: Delete Work Item
SWWL_DEP             Delete Dependent Table Entries
SWWL_TOPLEVEL        Delete Top Level Work Item
SWXF                 DEMO: Create Notification of Absence
SWXFTB               DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox
SWXML                XML Document Selection

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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