SAP Tutorials Blog


  • SWW_CONT     Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container
  • SWW_CONTOB   Workflow Runtime: Work Item Data Container (Only Objects)
  • SWW_EVENTCRL Workflow: Correlations for Events in Workflow
  • SWW_EVENTS   Workflow: Events in Workflow
  • SWW_OUTBOX   DB View for Selection of Outbox
  • SWW_WI2OBJ   Workflow Runtime: Relation of Work Item to Object
  • SWW_WIREGIS  Workflow:  Registration of a Work Item
  • SWWBINDEF    Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Bindin...
  • SWWCNTP0     Workflow Container: XML Database (P0)
  • SWWCNTPADD   Workflow Runtime: Persistence for Additional Container (XML)
  • SWWCUSTOM    Workflow Runtime: WIM Customizing Data
  • SWWDHSTEXT   Workflow: Status Texts for Work Item Deadline Status
  • SWWEI        Workflow Runtime: Work Items of Type E (Event Items)
  • SWWFBATEXT   Workflow: Short Texts for WIM History
  • SWWHRINDEX   Time Stamp for Indices in OrgManagement Workflow Environment
  • SWWINDX      Obsolete 6.1/ INDX Table for SWW Internal Runtime Constructs
  • SWWLOGHIST   Workflow Runtime: History of a Work Item
  • SWWLOGPARA   Obsolete 4.6/ WIM Log Table: Actions on WIs - Parameters
  • SWWORGTASK   Workflow Runtime: Assignment of WIs to Org. Unit/Task
  • SWWREPSTATUS Table for Status of Workflow Runtime Background Jobs
  • SWWRUNMETH   Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Methods
  • SWWSTATEXT   Workflow: Status Texts for Work Item Status
  • SWWSTATUS    Workflow: Properties of a Work Item Status
  • SWWSWPRET    Obsolete 6.1/ Workflow Runtime - Save Modele...
  • SWWTYPTEXT   Workflow: Type Texts for Work Item Types
  • SWWUSERWI    Current Work Items Assigned to a User
  • SWWVCONTWI   Deprecated: Read View of Container Objects and WI Header
  • SWWVDAGENT   Deadline agents for work items (latest end)
  • SWWVEAGENT   Excluded Agents of a Work Item
  • SWWVHEARET   Joint view of SWWWIHEAD and SWWWIRET (types B,F,P,W)
  • SWWVLAGENT   Deadline agents for work items (latest start)
  • SWWVNAGENT   Notification Agents for Work Items
  • SWWVPUBLIC   Public attributes from table SWWWIHEAD
  • SWWVSTATUS   Properties of a Work Item Status
  • SWWVSTATXT   Maintenance View for Status Texts of a Work Item
  • SWWVTMPERR   View of Temporarily Incorrect Background Steps
  • SWWVTMPRUN   View of background steps running
  • SWWVTYPTXT   Maintenance View for Type Texts of a Work Item
  • SWWVWAGENT   Deadline agents for work items (requested end)
  • SWWWIAGENT   Workflow Runtime: Agents for Execution of a Work Item
  • SWWWIDEADL   Workflow Runtime: Deadline Data for Work Items
  • SWWWIDH      Workflow Runtime: Deadline Monitoring of Work Items
  • SWWWIHEAD    Workflow Runtime: Header Table for All Work Item Types
  • SWWWIRET     Workflow Runtime: Return Values of Method Call

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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