SAP Tutorials Blog

 Component Controller:

  • As Web Dynpro is stateful technology, the lifetime of the component controller equates to the lifetime of the Web Dynpro component. 
  • It is tied directly to the Web Dynpro runtime and is instantiated when the service is initiated.
View Controller:
  • The view controller is instantiated when the view is first called into action. 
  • In the view properties, you can set the lifetime to be tied to the Component Controller (Framework Controlled) or only when it is visible. 
  • In the when visible case, the view controller is released when the view is no longer part of the view assembly in the window.
Window Controller:
  • Window controllers are instantiated when they are called into action by the Web Dynpro framework. Their lifetime is controlled by the Web Dynpro framework.
Custom Controller
  •  Custom Controllers are also managed by the Web Dynpro framework, and they are instantiated once called into action.
  • Their lifetime is controlled by the Web Dynpro framework. 
Configuration Controller :
  • The configuration controller is tied directly to the lifetime of the Component Controller.

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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