SAP Tutorials Blog

 SAP Personnel Planning Info Types

HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table (Objects)
HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table (Relationships)
HRP1002 Infotype 1002 DB Table
HRP1003 Infotype 1003 DB Table
HRP1004 Infotype 1004 DB table
HRP1005 DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned Compensation)
HRP1006 Infotype 1006 DB table
HRP1007 Infotype 1007 DB Table
HRP1008 Infotype 1008 DB Table
HRP1009 Infotype 1009 DB table
HRP1010 Infotype 1010 DB table
HRP1011 Infotype 1011 DB Table
HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB Table
HRP1014 Infotype 1014 DB Table
HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table
HRP1016 Infotype 1016 DB Table
HRP1017 Infotype 1016 DB Table
HRP1018 DB Table for Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution
HRP1019 DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions
HRP1020 Infotype 1020 DB table
HRP1023 Infotype 1023 DB table
HRP1026 Infotype 1026 DB table
HRP1027 Infotype 1027 DB table
HRP1028 Infotype 1028 DB Table
HRP1029 Infotype 1029 DB table
HRP1030 Infotype 1030 DB table
HRP1031 Infotype 1031 DB table
HRP1032 Infotype 1032 DB Table
HRP1033 DB table for infotype 1033
HRP1034 Infotype 1034 DB table
HRP1035 Infotype 1035 DB Table
HRP1036 Infotype 1036 DB table
HRP1037 Infotype 1037 DB Table
HRP1038 Infotype 1038 DB table
HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039
HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040
HRP1041 DB Table for Infotype 1041
HRP1042 Infotype 1042 DB Table
HRP1043 DB Table for Infotype 1043
HRP1044 DB Table for Infotype 1044
HRP1045 DB Table for Infotype 1045
HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046
HRP1047 DB Table for Infotype 1047
HRP1048 DB Table for Infotype 1048
HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049
HRP1050 DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results)
HRP1051 DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results)
HRP1060 DB Table for Infotype 1060
HRP1061 DB Table for Infotype 1061
HRP1062 DB Table for Infotype 1062
HRP1063 DB Table for Infotype 1063
HRP1201 Infotype 1201 DB Table
HRP1205 Infotype 1205 DB Table
HRP1206 Infotype 1206 DB Table
HRP1208 Infotype 1208 DB Table
HRP1209 Infotype 1209 DB Table
HRP1210 Infotype 1210 DB Table
HRP1211 Infotype 1211 DB Table
HRP1212 Infotype 1212 DB Table
HRP1213 Infotype 1213 DB Table
HRP1214 Infotype 1214 DB Table
HRP1215 Infotype 1215 DB Table
HRP1216 Infotype 1216 DB Table
HRP1217 Infotype 1217 DB Table
HRP1218 DB Table for Infotype 1218
HRP1220 DB Table for Infotype 1220 Activity Profile
HRP1221 DB Table for Infotype 1221 Excluded Activities
HRP1222 Infotype 1222- General attribute maintenance
HRP1230 DB Table for Infotype 1230
HRP1240 DB Table for Infotype 1240
HRP1250 DB table for infotype 1250
HRP1251 DB table for infotype 1251
HRP1252 DB table for infotype 1252
HRP1253 DB table for infotype 1253
HRP1254 DB Table for Infotype 1254
HRP1260 DB Table for Infotype 1260
HRP1270 DB Table for Info Type 1270
HRP1403 DB table for infotype 1403
HRP1404 DB table for infotype 1404
HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500
HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501
HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502
HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503
HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504
HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505
HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506
HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507
HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518
HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519
HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520
HRP1600 Database Table for Infotype 1600
HRP1601 Database Table for Infotype 1601
HRPAD21 Additional data PAD21
HRPAD22 Additional data PAD22
HRPAD23 Additional data PAD23
HRPAD25 Additional data PAD25
HRPAD27 Additional data PAD27
HRPAD31 Additional data PAD31
HRPAD34 Additional Data for Relationship 'has attended'
HRPAD44 PAD44 Additional Data
HRPAD47 PAD47 Additional Data
HRPAD48 Additional Data PAD48
HRPAD50 Additional Data PAD50
HRPAD51 Additional data PAD51
HRPAD53 Additional Data PAD53
HRPAD63 PAD63 Additional Data
HRPAD77 Additional data for PAD77
HRPADBLIST Additional Data Databases
HRPADD2 Additional Data PADD2
HRPADD3 Additional Data PADD3
HRPADIC Additional Data PADD2
HRPADNLIST Additional Data Number List
HRPADNN General Additional Data Table
HRPADP1 Additional Data PADP1
HRPADP2 Additional Data PADP2
HRPADPM Additional Data PADPM
HRPADTI PADTI Additional Data
HRPADUZ PADUZ Additional Data- Requirements Assignment of Persons
HRPADXN Additional Data PADXN
HRPS_T012K For Decoupled Access to T012K (House Bank and Account)
HRPVAC List of vacant positions
HRPXXXX DB Table for Infotype XXXX
HRPYYYY DB Table for Infotype YYYY

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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