SAP Tutorials Blog


List of SAP Transactions Codes[All SAP Modules T-Codes]

You may be an SAP Technical or Functional Consultant, but as an SAP Consultant, you must know SAP  T-codes(Transaction codes) to check any module data. So here I am giving the list of transaction codes of different SAP modules, and These are useful for all All SAP Consults.

Using the TSTC table, You can find all SAP Transaction Codes, and also it will contain all the Tcodes including Texts. 

MM(Material Management) Module Transaction codes List

ME21N - Create Purchase Order

ME22N - Change Purchase Order

ME23N - Display Purchase Order

ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition

ME21 - Create Purchase Order

OX15 Create Company

OX02 Create Company Code

OX10 Create Plant

OX09 Create Storage Location

OX08 Create Purchasing Organization

OME4 Create Purchasing Group

OX18 Assign Plant to Company Code

OX01 Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code

OX17 Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant

MM01 Create Material

MM02 Change Material

MM03 Display Material

MB51 Material Document List

MMDE Delete All Materials

MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges

XK01 Create Vendor

XK02 Change Vendor

XK03 Display Vendor

ML33 Create Vendor Conditions

ME11 Maintain Purchasing Info Record

ME01 Maintain Source List

ME51N Create Purchase Requisition

ME52N Change Purchase Requisition

ME53N Display Purchase Requisition

ME41 Create RFQ/Quotation

ME42 Change RFQ/Quotation

ME43 Display RFQ/Quotation

ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement

ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement

ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement

MEQ1 Create Quota Arrangement

MEQ2 Change Quota Arrangement

MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement

ME21N Create Purchase Order

ME22N Change Purchase Order

ME23N Display Purchase Order

ME29N Release Purchase Order

ME59N Automatic generation of Purchase Order

MIGO Post Goods Movement

MB1A Goods Withdrawal

MB1B Transfer Posting

MB1C Post Other Goods Receipts

MB01 Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

OMJJ Customizing: Define New Movement Types

MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice

MIRA Fast Invoice Entry

MR8M Cancel Invoice Document

MRBR Release Blocked Invoices

OMR6 Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification

MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents

MIR6 Invoice Overview

MIR7 Park Invoice

MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan

AC02 Service Master

ML81N Create Service Entry Sheet

MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement

MMB1 Create Semi-Finished Product

MMF1 Create Finished Product

MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging

MMH1 Create Trading Goods

MMI1 Create Operating Supplies

MMK1 Create Configurable Material

MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material

MMBE Stock Overview

MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand

MB21 Create Reservation

MRKO - Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs.

MR8M - Cancel Invoice Document

MRBR - Release Blocked Invoices

OMRI - C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters

MRRL - Evaluated Receipt Settlement

MIR4 - Call MIRO - Change Status

MIRA - Fast Invoice Entry

MIR6 - Invoice Overview

OMR6 - Tolerance limits: Inv.Verification

MRIS - Settle Invoicing Plan

MIR5 - Display List of Invoice Documents

MBST Cancel Material Document

MB5T Stock in Transit

ME2N - Purchase Orders by PO Number

ME2O - SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)

ME11 - Create Purchasing Info Record

ME52N - Change Purchase Requisition

ME9F - Message Output: Purchase Orders

ME59N - Automatic generation of POs

ME29N - Release purchase order

ME28 - Release Purchase Order

ME22 - Change Purchase Order

ME59 - Automatic Generation of POs

MIRO - Enter Incoming Invoice

MR21 - Price Change

MIR7 - Park Invoice

MR22 - Material Debit/Credit

ML81N - Service Entry Sheet

AC03 - Service Master

AC10 - Class Hierarchy with Services

ME21N - Create Purchase Order

ME22N - Change Purchase Order

MB1B - Transfer Posting

MB51 - Material Doc. List

ME23N - Display Purchase Order

MB1A - Goods Withdrawal

MB1C - Other Goods Receipts

ME51N - Create Purchase Requisition

MB5B - Stocks for Posting Date

MR21 - Price Change

ML81N - Service Entry Sheet

MB52 - List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand

MB01 - Post Goods Receipt for PO

AC01 - Service Master

ML81 - Maintain Service Entry Sheet

ML85 - Collective Release of Entry Sheets

ME2S - Services per Purchase Order

ML84 - List of Service Entry Sheets

AC06 - List Display: Service Master

ML33 - Create Vendor Conditions

ML83 - Message Processing: Service Entry

AC02 - Service Master

ML45 - Display Service Conditions

ML91 - Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt.

ML10 - Create Model Service Specifications

MIGO - Goods Movement

MIRO - Enter Incoming Invoice

MIGO - Goods Movement

MB1B - Transfer Posting

MB51 - Material Doc. List

MB1A - Goods Withdrawal

MB1C - Other Goods Receipts

MB5B - Stocks for Posting Date

MB52 - List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand

MB01 - Post Goods Receipt for PO

MB31 - Goods Receipt for Production Order

OMJJ - Customizing: New Movement Types

MB21 - Create Reservation

MBST - Cancel Material Document

MB90 - Output Processing for Mat. Documents

MB5L - List of Stock Values: Balances

MB5T - Stock in transit CC

SAP SD(Sales and Distribution) Module Transactions codes List  

VA01 - Create Sales Order

VA02 - Change Sales Order

VA03 - Display Sales Order

VOV8 - Document Type Maintenance

VA05 - List of Sales Orders

VOV7 - Maintain Item Categories

VA21 - Create Quotation

VA41 - Create Contract

VTFF - Bill to bill copying control

NACE - WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen

VBKD - Bonus Buy: Condition Types

VOFM - Configuration for Reqs, Formulae

VARA - Archiving

VF06 - Batch billing

VF21 - Create Invoice List

VF44 - Revenue Recognition: Worklist

OVA8 - Automatic Credit Checks

VKM3 - Sales Documents

CO09 - Availability Overview

VKM1 - Blocked SD Documents

VORA - Archiving Control for Sales Doc.

VF31 - Output from Billing Documents

OVZ9 - SD Cust. Control Availability Check

VKM4 - SD Documents

CO06 - Backorder Processing

VV31 - Create Output : Billing

VOTXN - Maintain Text Customizing

MCTA - SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection

MCTC - SIS: Material Analysis - Selection

MCTI - SIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection

MCTE - SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection

V_V2 - Updating Sales Documents by Material

VA00 - Initial Sales Menu

VOV4 - Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.

VA11 - Create Inquiry

VA22 - Change Quotation

VOV6 - Maintain Schedule Line Categories

VF05 - List Billing Documents

VF01 - Create Billing Document

VF02 - Change Billing Document

VF04 - Maintain Billing Due List

VF03 - Display Billing Document

VTFL - Delivery to bill copying control

VF11 - Cancel Billing Document

VTFA - Order to bill copying control

VFX3 - List Blocked Billing Documents

VTAA - Order to order copying control

VTLA - Order to delivery copying control

VTAF - Bill. doc. to order copying control

MCV9 - Call Up List of Incomplete Documents

MCTG - SIS: Sales Office Analysis Selection

MCTK - SIS: Shipping Pt. Analysis Selection

MCSC - SIS: Display Evaluation

MCV5 - Call Up Price List w.Stepped Display

MCVCHECK01 - SIS: Update Group Check

MCSA - SIS: Create Evaluation

MCVCHECK02 - SIS: Header STAFO Check


MCTV03 - SIS: Address List - Selection

VBKD - Bonus Buy: Condition Types

VF02 - Change Billing Document

VOFM - Configuration for Reqs, Formulae

VA03 - Display Sales Order

VF04 - Maintain Billing Due List

VKOA - Accnt Determination

VOV8 - Document Type Maintenance

VA05 - List of Sales Orders

VF03 - Display Billing Document

VTFL - Delivery to bill copying control

VEFU - Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data

VE01 - INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU

LEMA - Dun long-term vendor decl. (vendor)

VI49 - Foreign Trade Data Control in Doc.

ENGR - Periodic Declarations

VI29 - Incompletion - Foreign Trade Data

VX22 - Change license data (old)

ARKO - KOBRA: Archiving

VX13N - Display financial document

OVBR - Assignment to Item Category

OVBS - Rule Table for Determining Dates

VC00 - Sales Support

WPMA - POS Download: Manual Request

WPER - POS interface monitor

WPUK - POS simulation

WPMU - POS download: change message

WLB1 - Investment Buying Reqrmnt Determntn

WVFB - Inbound store order processing

WLB3 - Autom. opt. PO-based load building

WPMI - POS download: initialization

WVFI - Simulation: Store Physical Inventory

WPER2 - POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports

WPUW - Goods movements simulation

WPED - Sales Audit Editor

MCV6 - Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List

VA01 - Create Sales Order

VA02 - Change Sales Order

VF01 - Create Billing Document

NACE - WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen

VK11 - Create Condition

W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN - Maintain Price Catalog

WPRI - PRICAT on the Internet

WPRI6 - Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem

WPRI7 - Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyItem

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_002 - Assignment ILN Mat.Gr. SAP Mat. Gr.

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_003 - Assignment SAP Mat. Gr. - Purch.Gr.

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_001 - Assignment ILN Vendor Pur. Group

PRICATLOGOUT - PRICAT: Display Application Log

WDLS - Delete Error Messages

WLB2 - Investment buying analysis

WVFD - Process phys. inventory doc. further

VOE4 - SD EDI Conversion

VOE2 - SD EDI Customer/Vendor

VPRICAT - Maintain and Create Price Catalog

SMME - Output control Message Block Table

VOE1 - Maintain EDPST

VPRE - PRICAT manual creation

VOE3 - SD EDI Partner Functions

VC/2 - Customer Master Data Sheet

VC01N - Edit Sales Activity

VC01 - Create Sales Activity

VC/1 - List of Customers

OV3Z - Determine Prod. Allocation Hierarchy

OV1Z - Define Product Allocation Procedure

OV4Z - Product Allocation Control

VBO2 - Change Rebate Agreement

V/07 - Maintain Access (Sales Price)

LEER - Create long-term VenDecl. (customer)

VPM4 - Merge: Japan - Import Code Number

VX11N - Create financial document

VINK - Import Processing: Quota Number

VK11 - Create Condition

VC05 - Sales support monitor

VC02 - Change Sales Activity

OV7Z - Create Characteristics for Rem.Alloc

VC03 - Display Sales Activity

OV2Z - Define Product Allocation Object


UPDA - Foreign Trade: Mater data transfer

OVKK - C RV Table T683V "ProcedrDeterminatn

VOFA - Billing Doc: Document Type

VK13 - Display Condition

VBOF - Rebate: Update Billing Documents

VOR2 - Joint Master Data: Division

VBN1 - Free goods - Create (SD)

V/LD - Execute pricing report

VKOA - Accnt Determination

V/06 - Condition Categories: SD Pricing

VK12 - Change Condition

V/08 - Conditions: Procedure for A V

SAP FI(Finance) module Transaction codes List 

F110 - Parameters for Automatic Payment

FB60 - Enter Incoming Invoices

OBYC - C FI Table T030

SLIS - FI-SL Spec.Purpose Ledg. Info.System

FERT - Flow of cost trace

PR00 - Travel expenses

J1IH - Create Excise JV

DMEE - DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool

J1I5 - Register creation for RG23 and RG1

J2IUN - Monthly utilization

J1IJ - Excise invoice selec. at depot sale

J1INCHLN - Challan Number Updation

J1BNFE - NF-e/CT-e Monitor

J1IFQ - Challan : Reconcile Quantity

J1IG - RG23D register receipt at depot

FBL3N - G/L Account Line Items

J1IEX - Incoming Excise Invoices

OCRD - Number Range Maintenance: FCRP

FB01 - Post Document

XD01 - Create Customer (Centrally)

FS00 - G/L acct master record maintenance

FBL5N - Customer Line Items

FBL1N - Vendor Line Items

FTXP - Maintain Tax Code

J1IIN - Outgoing Excise Invoice

J1IS - Excise invoice for other movements

J1IV - Excise post & print for others mvmts

J1IF01 - Subcontracting Challan : Create

FBL3N - G/L Account Line Items

FS00 - G/L acct master record maintenance

FBL5N - Customer Line Items

FBL1N - Vendor Line Items

FBCJ - Cash Journal

FAGLL03 - G/L Account Line Items (New)

FAGLB03 - Display Balances

FAGL_FC_VAL - Foreign Currency Valuation

FB50L - Enter G/L Account Doc for Ledger Grp

J1IEX - Incoming Excise Invoices

J1ID - Rate maint & amend open po's/so's

FPCOPARA - Correspondence Printing

FPP1 - Create Contract Partner

FPL9 - Display Account Balance

CAA1 - Create Contract Account

FPCJ - Cash Journal


MKK - Mass Contract Invoicing

CARP - BP Cust: Fld. Mof. Ext. Application

FSP0 - G/L acct master record in chrt/accts

FAGLGVTR - G/L: Balance Carried Forward

FSE2 - Change Financial Statement Version

GP12N - FI-SL: Change Plan Data

FBB1 - Post Foreign Currency Valn

FAGL3KEH - General Ledger: Default Profit Ctr

AFAB - Post depreciation

ASIM - Simulation of asset posting

AS91 - Create Old Asset

AS01 - Create Asset Master Record

AS02 - Change Asset Master Record

AW01N - Asset Explorer

ABUMN - Transfer within Company Code

AJAB - Year-End Closing

F-90 - Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

EMMA - Log Analysis and Case Creation

FPY1 - Payment Run / Debit Memo Run

FPE1 - Post Document

FPVA - Dunning Proposal

CASE - CA Control: Role Type Grouping

CAA2 - Change Contract Account

FPBW - BW Extraction of Open Items

AJRW - Fiscal Year Change

AO90 - Account assignmt Acquisitions

ASKB - Periodic Asset Postings

AFAR - Recalculate Depreciation

ABT1N - Intercompany Asset Transfer

OASV - Enter G/L Account Postings

FMZ3 - Display Funds Commitment

FMX3 - Display Funds Reservation

FMSU - Change Status Assignment

FMX2 - Change Funds Reservation

FMEQ - FMCA: Run Drilldown Report

FMEM - FMCA: Display Drilldown Report

FM5I - FIFM: Create Fund

OBPM4 - Payment Medium Selection Variants

FIBLFFP - Free Form Payment

OBPM1 - Maintenance of Pymt Medium Formats

OBPM3 - Payment Medium Formats (Customer)

FBPM - Payment medium program of PMW

FBPM1 - Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium

FCHV - C FI Maintain Table TVOID

FF_6 - Display Electronic Bank Statement

FRFT - Rapid Entry with Repetitive Code

OBPM2 - Maintenance of Note to Payee

FRFT_B - Repetitive Codes: Payment to Banks

PR01 - Maintain (Old) Trip Data

DECK - Cash Holding Years

CJCO - Carry Forward Project Budget

FMX1 - Create Funds Reservation

KOCO - Budget Carryforward for Orders

FMZ1 - Create Funds Commitment

FMCIA - Edit Commitment Item

FMWA - Create Funds Transfer

FMWC - Display Funds Transfer

AMADEUS - Amadeus Direct

PRD1 - Create DME

TRIP - Travel Manager

PR04 - Edit Weekly Reports

FIEH01 - Process Contracts with Errors

FILATEST - Process Processing Initial Screen

0FILA - Customizing LAE Initial Screen

FILAEXPL - Display Lease

FILAEXAM - Lease: Process Analysis

FILAHELP - List Available Help Programs

FILASYST - Jump to IMG for System Customizing

FF_5 - Import Electronic Bank Statement

FI12 - Change House Banks/Bank Accounts

F111 - Parameters for Payment of PRequest

FEBAN - Bank statement postprocessing

PRAA - Automatic Vendor Maintenance

PRTS - Overview of Trips

PRRW - Post Accounting Data

PRFI - Posting to Financial Accounting

PR02 - Travel Calendar

PREC - Travel Expenses Accounting Program

APOLLO - Apollo Bypass

PR00 - Travel expenses

HUGO - Settings for Travel Planning

PR05 - Travel Expense Manager


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Deputy Manager

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