tables: bapimepoheader, it_bapimepoitem type bapimepoitem occurs 0 with header line,
it_bapimepoitemx type bapimepoitemx occurs 0 with header line,
it_poaccount type bapimepoaccount occurs 0 with header line,
it_poaccountx type bapimepoaccountx occurs 0 with header line.
data: it_return2 like bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
data: flines like tline occurs 0 with header line,
string(132) type c, fobject like thead-tdobject, fname like thead-tdname.
data: line_no type i.
data: vendor_no type lifnr.
data: ntgew type ekpo-ntgew.
data: brgew type ekpo-brgew.
data: str type string.
data: str1 type string.
data: v_plant(4) type c,
v_whno(3) type c,
v_sorg(4) type c,
v_dplnt(4) type c,
v_ccode(4) type c,
v_curr(3) type c,
v_shippt(4) type c,
v_country(2) type c.
data: temp_char(200) type c.
data: banfn type vbep-banfn. " for purchase requisition number.
select single banfn into banfn from vbep where vbeln = zsalesdocument. " fetching purchse requisition number
" for PO Header data fill
bapimepoheader-comp_code = t001-bukrs.
bapimepoheader-doc_type = 'ZCOM'.
bapimepoheader-item_intvl = '00010'.
bapimepoheader-vendor = VENDOR.
bapimepoheader-pmnttrms = '0001'.
bapimepoheader-purch_org = ‘ABC’.
bapimepoheader-pur_group = 'E15'.
bapimepoheader-currency = 'USD'.
"bapimepoheader-ref_1 = wa_asntab-asnnumber.
bapimepoheader-incoterms2 = 'inco2'.
bapimepoheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-item_intvl = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-vendor = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-currency = 'X'.
"bapimepoheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'.
bapimepoheaderx-incoterms2 = 'X'.
" for PO Line item Data FIll
line_no = line_no + 10.
it_bapimepoitem-po_item = '00010'.
it_bapimepoitem-material = material.
it_bapimepoitem-plant = PLANT.
it_bapimepoitem-quantity = '1'.
it_bapimepoitem-free_item = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitem-conf_ctrl = '0004'.
it_bapimepoitem-incoterms2 = 'inco2'.
it_bapimepoitem-gross_wt = brgew. “ gross weight
it_bapimepoitem-preq_no = banfn. “ purchase requisition number
it_bapimepoitem-net_weight = ntgew. “ net weight
append it_bapimepoitem to it_bapimepoitem.
clear it_bapimepoitem.
it_bapimepoitemx-po_item = '00010'.
it_bapimepoitemx-material = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-plant = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-quantity = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-free_item = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-conf_ctrl = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-incoterms2 = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-gross_wt = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-preq_no = 'X'.
it_bapimepoitemx-net_weight = 'X'.
append it_bapimepoitemx to it_bapimepoitemx.
clear it_bapimepoitemx.
clear: temp_char.
it_poaccount-po_item = '00010'.
it_poaccount-serial_no = '01'.
it_poaccount-quantity = '1'.
it_poaccount-costcenter = cost_center.
append it_poaccount to it_poaccount.
it_poaccountx-po_item = '00010'.
it_poaccountx-serial_no = '01'.
it_poaccountx-quantity = 'X'.
it_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'.
append it_poaccountx to it_poaccountx.
clear po_number.
call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'
poheader = bapimepoheader
poheaderx = bapimepoheaderx
exppurchaseorder = po_number
return = it_return2
poitem = it_bapimepoitem
poitemx = it_bapimepoitemx
poaccount = it_poaccount
poaccountx = it_poaccountx.
wait = 'X'
return = return.
Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
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