Exceptions are the errors that occurs during the execution of the program that interrupts the normal flow of control.

Types of Exceptions:

All exception classes are inherited from global class CX_ROOT and the classes that are directly inherited are

CX_STATIC_CHECK:It is checked by both the compiler and run time system. If any exception of this category found and not handled locally inside the procedure, it has been declared in the RAISING clause of the procedure’s interface.

CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK:It is checked only at run time system. when the exceptions tries to leave a procedure that it has been declared in RAISING class. Generally all system exceptions like CX_SY_ZERO_DIVIDE will come under these exceptions.

CX_NO_CHECK:This type of exceptions will be choose if the exception can occur almost everywhere. These exceptions are always implicitly declared.

Neither the compiler nor the run time system performs any interface checks.


Computer Engineer BSc

SAP Department Deputy Manager

Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com