EXIT: The EXIT command will stop the LOOP passings, exit from the SUBROUTINES..etc.

The behavior of EXIT keyword is depends on where you use it.

  • If you use EXIT keyword inside IF .. ENDIF., it will comes out of the program.
  • If you use EXIT inside LOOP .. ENDLOOP., it will come out of loop.
  • If you use EXIT inside FORM .. ENDFORM., it will comes out of form (subroutine)

Leave Program : LEAVE PROGRAM always leaves the current program - there is never any processing after LEAVE PROGRAM 


STOP is a statement which is used to stop processing an event block, ex: If I have two events START-OF-SELECTION and END-OF-SELECTION in my program, If I use STOP keyword in START-OF-SELECTION, the keyword will exits start-of-selection and goes to END-OF-SELECTION.


CONTINUE is a statement, which is used to skip execution of a record inside loop.. endloop, do..endo, while..endwhile etc. 


RETURN is a statement which is used to stop processing of current block immediately.

Computer Engineer BSc
SAP Department Deputy Manager
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com