UNCTION ZREFX_CNT_INDEX_NEXTADJMDATE . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(I_RECNNR) TYPE RECNNUMBER *" REFERENCE(I_BUKRS) TYPE BUKRS *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(E_NEXTADJMDATE) TYPE REAJNEXTADJMDATE *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- statics: lrt_recntype type range of RECNCONTRACTTYPE WITH HEADER LINE, lrt_condtype type range of RECDCONDTYPE WITH HEADER LINE. data: l_numb type RECDCONDNUMBER, lo_condition_mngr TYPE REF TO IF_RECD_CONDITION_MNGR, lo_condition TYPE REF TO IF_RECD_CONDITION, ls_condition TYPE RECD_CONDITION, l_next TYPE REAJNEXTADJMDATE, l_max type REAJNEXTADJMDATE, lo_contract TYPE REF TO if_recn_contract, ls_contract TYPE recn_contract. if lrt_recntype[] is initial. * No filtering on condtions for the moment * If necessary to filter on rent, need to add * 1FI, 1BC, 1CC 1DIMF?, 1PFO, 1ER, 1WO , 1VE, 1UC * lrt_condtype-sign = 'I'. * lrt_condtype-option = 'BT'. * lrt_condtype-low = '0010'. * lrt_condtype-high = '0019'. * append lrt_condtype. lrt_recntype-sign = 'I'. lrt_recntype-option = 'EQ'. lrt_recntype-low = 'ZRDD'. lrt_recntype-high = ''. append lrt_recntype. lrt_recntype-sign = 'I'. lrt_recntype-option = 'EQ'. lrt_recntype-low = 'ZRIN'. lrt_recntype-high = ''. append lrt_recntype. endif. clear E_NEXTADJMDATE. select single * from vicncn into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF ls_contract WHERE recnnr = i_recnnr and bukrs = i_bukrs. check ls_contract-recntype in lrt_recntype. check ls_contract-RECNENDABS > sy-datum. * get object CALL METHOD cf_recn_contract=>find_by_detail EXPORTING is_detail = ls_contract RECEIVING ro_instance = lo_contract EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0. IF lo_contract IS BOUND. lo_condition_mngr = lo_contract->get_condition_mngr( ). l_numb = '0001'. do. CALL METHOD lo_condition_mngr->GET_CONDITION EXPORTING ID_NUMBER = l_numb RECEIVING RO_CONDITION = lo_condition. if lo_condition is not BOUND. exit. endif. CALL METHOD LO_CONDITION->GET_DETAIL RECEIVING RS_DETAIL = ls_condition. if ls_condition-condtype in lrt_condtype. CALL METHOD lo_condition->GET_NEXTADJMDATE RECEIVING RD_NEXTADJMDATE = l_next. if E_NEXTADJMDATE < l_next. E_NEXTADJMDATE = l_next. endif. endif. l_numb = l_numb + 1. enddo. endif. ENDFUNCTION.
Computer Engineer
SAP Department Deputy Manager
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com