Using BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE is quite tricky when you want to add customised fields, conditions and header/item texts.

Just sharing my experience for my own future references and to anyone who'll benefit from this as I can't find any specific help on the net on this.


In my case, it's ZZREGION and ZZTECH fields that were appended to table EKKN.

In ME31K, these fields are located on item level, on 'Account Assignment' tab - 'More' tab - then you'll get region/technology fields.

In BAPI, you have to use structure  BAPI_TE_MEOUTACCOUNT as in the code excerpts below:

    lt_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEOUTACCOUNT'.

    lt_regiontech-item_no = '00010'.

    lt_regiontech-serial_no = '01'.

    lt_regiontech-zzregion  = 'EAST'.

    lt_regiontech-zztech    = 'C'.

    CONCATENATE lt_regiontech-item_no lt_regiontech-serial_no lt_regiontech-zzregion lt_regiontech-zztech INTO lt_extensionin-valuepart1.

    APPEND lt_extensionin. CLEAR lt_extensionin.


Working With CHECKBOXES:

- If it's standard checkbox field, we can move directly to BAPI contract header data.

- If it's CUSTOMIZED checkbox field, we have to find the structure and use EXTENSIONIN to append data.

Example 1:

Checkbox: 'Notification not required'.

(Field EKKO-WEAKT in ME33K -  Header - Details) - Standard field

In BAPI, use structure BAPI_TE_MEOUTHEADER to move the data as in below:

    lt_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEOUTHEADER'.

    PERFORM fill_leading_zero USING lw_ufile-ebeln CHANGING lt_zzsdro-number.

    lt_zzsdro-zzcode    = lc_zzcode.

    lt_zzsdro-zzamount  = lc_zzamount.

    lt_zzsdro-zzsdro    = lw_ufile-zsdro.

    CONCATENATE lt_zzsdro-number lt_zzsdro-zzcode lc_zzamount lt_zzsdro-zzsdro INTO lt_extensionin-valuepart1.

    APPEND lt_extensionin. CLEAR lt_extensionin.

    lt_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEOUTHEADERX'.

    PERFORM fill_x_structure CHANGING lt_zzsdrox.

    PERFORM fill_leading_zero USING lw_ufile-ebeln CHANGING lt_zzsdrox-number.

    CONCATENATE lt_zzsdrox-number lt_zzsdrox-zzcode lt_zzsdrox-zzamount lt_zzsdrox-zzsdro INTO lt_extensionin-valuepart1.

    APPEND lt_extensionin. CLEAR lt_extensionin.

**Remember to concatenate ALL fields BEFORE the fields u need (zzcode & zzamount) in the BAPI structure before moving it to structure field EXTENSIONIN-VALUEPART1.

**Or try to point to the field directly: lt_extensionin-valuepart1+4(2) = lt_zzsdrox-zzcode.


Computer Engineer

SAP Department Deputy Manager

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