This program download the components of Production Order to your local harddisk. REPORT ZDOWNCOMP No standard page heading message-id zz. tables: caufv,mseg,mara,stpo,aufk,marc,mast,VBAk,makt. select-options: aufnr1 for aufk-aufnr. PARAMETERS: p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename obligatory. Data: begin of itab occurs 10, aufnr like caufv-aufnr, "order number AUART like caufv-auart, "order type werks like caufv-werks, "plant STLBEZ like caufv-STLBEZ, "material number maktx like MAKT-MAKTX, "material description stlnr like caufv-stlnr, "BOM number ap_num(10) type c, " GAMNG like caufv-GAMNG, "Order quantity GMEIN like caufv-gmein, "UOM RSNUM like caufv-rsnum, end of itab. Data: begin of itab1 occurs 10, aufnr like caufv-aufnr, "order number AUART like caufv-auart, "order type werks like caufv-werks, "plant STLBEZ like caufv-STLBEZ, "material number maktx like MAKT-MAKTX, "material description ap_num(10) type c, " GAMNG like caufv-gamng, "Order quantity GMEIN like caufv-gmein, "UOM POSNR like stpo-posnr, "item matnr like stpo-idnrk, "Component BDMNG like stpo-menge, "planned quantity meins like stpo-meins, "UOM recv_loc like stpo-lgort, "receiving location lgort like stpo-lgort, "issuing location end of itab1. data: H_MASK(20) TYPE C VALUE ',*.txt ,*.txt. '. **********************check for file validity**************** AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. "uploading file from PC CALL FUNCTION 'WS_FILENAME_GET' EXPORTING DEF_FILENAME = ' ' mask = H_mask IMPORTING FILENAME = p_file EXCEPTIONS INV_WINSYS = 1 NO_BATCH = 2 SELECTION_CANCEL = 3 SELECTION_ERROR = 4 OTHERS = 5. if sy-subrc <> 0. message i001 with 'Error opening PC file!'. endif. ******************************************************* start-of-selection. refresh:itab,itab1. clear:itab,itab1. select aufnr auart werks STLBEZ stlnr GAMNG gmein RSNUM appending corresponding fields of table itab from caufv where aufnr in aufnr1. loop at itab. select single maktx into itab-maktx from makt where matnr = itab-STLBEZ. modify itab. endloop. loop at itab. select posnr matnr BDMNG meins lgort appending corresponding fields of table itab1 from resb where werks = itab-werks and aufnr = itab-aufnr and RSNUM = itab-RSNUM and dumps = ''. if sy-subrc = 0. loop at itab1 where aufnr = ''. move-corresponding itab to itab1. modify itab1. endloop. delete itab. endif. endloop. read table itab1. if sy-subrc <> 0. message I001 with 'No valid data!'. else. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = P_FILE FILETYPE = 'DAT' TABLES DATA_TAB = itab1 EXCEPTIONS FILE_OPEN_ERROR = 1 FILE_WRITE_ERROR = 2 INVALID_FILESIZE = 3 INVALID_TABLE_WIDTH = 4 INVALID_TYPE = 5 NO_BATCH = 6 UNKNOWN_ERROR = 7 OTHERS = 8. if sy-subrc = 0. message i001 with 'File downloaded'. else. message i001 with 'Error opening PC file!'. endif. endif. *---End of Program
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