1.                              BD21   Creating IDoc Type from Change Pointers

2.                              BD22   Delete Change Pointers

3.                              BUP1    Create Business Partner

4.                              BUP2     Maintain Business Partner

5.                              BUP3       Display Business Partner

6.                              COGI        Automatic Goods Movements: Error Handling

7.                              DGP1       Create Dangerous Goods Master

8.                              DGP2       Change Dangerous Goods Master

9.                              DGP3        Display Dangerous Goods Master

10.                            DGR1       Dangerous Goods Master: Display with Descriptions

11.                            DP90       Resource-Related Billing Request

12.                            LT01    Create Transfer Order

13.                            LT02    Clear Inventory Using Transfer Order

14.                            LT03    Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note

15.                            LT04    Create Transfer Order from TR

16.                            LT05    Processing Posting Change

17.                            LT06    Create Transfer Order for Material Document

18.                            LT07    Place Storage Unit into Stock: Beginning Process

19.                            LT08    Additional Stock for Storage Unit: Beginning Process

20.                            LT09    Create Transfer Order for Storage Unit: Entry

21.                            LT0S   Create Transfer Order for Multiple Orders

22.                            LT10    Stock Transfer: Start

23.                            LT11    Confirm Item: Confirm Single Item (In One Step)

24.                            LT12    Confirm Transfer Order

25.                            LT13    Confirm Transfer Order Items for Storage Unit: Preparation

26.                            LT14    Confirm Planned Single Item

27.                            LT15    Cancelling Transfer Order

28.                            LT16    Cancel Transfer Order for Storage Unit

29.                            LT1A   Change Transfer Order Header

30.                            LT1B   Confirm Item: Confirm Single Item (Pick Step)

31.                            LT21    Display Transfer Order

32.                            LT22    Transfer orders for storage type

33.                            LT23    Transfer Orders: List of Resident Documents

34.                            LT24    Transfer Orders for Material

35.                            LT25    Display Transfer Order / Group

36.                            LT25A  Transfer Orders for Each Group (By Wave Pick)

37.                            LT25N  Transfer Orders for Each Group (Collective Processing)

38.                            LT26    Transfer Orders for Storage Bin

39.                            LT27    Transfer Orders for Storage Unit

40.                            LT28    Transfer Orders for Each Group

41.                            LT31    Print Transfer Order

42.                            LT42    Create TOs by Multiple Processing

43.                            MC+A Customer Analysis: Returns: Selection

44.                            MC+E Customer Analysis: Invoiced Sales: Selection

45.                            MCTA Customer Analysis: Selection

46.                            MCTC Material Analysis (SIS): Selection

47.                            MCTE Sales Organization Analysis: Selection

48.                            MCV9 Incomplete SD Documents

49.                            OLVD SAP Easy Access Customizing for Sales and Distribution: Shipping

50.                            OLVF SAP Easy Access SD Customizing: Billing

51.                            OLVS SAP Easy Access Customizing for Sales and Distribution: Master Data

52.                            OVKK "Change View ""Pricing Procedurs: Determination in Sales Docs."":


53.                            OVXC Shipping Points -> Plants: Overview

54.                            POF1 Pkg instruction - Create Determination Recs

55.                            POF2 Pkg instruction - Change Determination Recs

56.                            POF3 Pkg instruction - Display Determination Recs

57.                            POP1 Create Packing Instruction

58.                            POP2 Change Packing Instruction

59.                            POP5 Report that outputs all condition records for packaging instructions

60.                            PRICAT           Initial screen: Price Catalog Maintenance

61.                            V.01    Incomplete SD Documents

62.                            V.02    Incomplete SD Documents (Incomplete Orders)

63.                            V.14    Sales Orders/Contracts Blocked for Delivery

64.                            V.15    Backorders

65.                            V.21    Log of Collective Run

66.                            V.23    Release Sales Orders for Billing

67.                            V/03    Create Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

68.                            V/04    Change Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

69.                            V/05    Display Condition Table (Pricing Sales/Distribution)

70.                            V/06    "Change View ""Conditions: Condition Types"": Overview"

71.                            V/07    "Change View ""Access Sequences"": Overview"

72.                            V/08    "Change View ""Procedures"": Overview"

73.                            V/09    "Change View ""Conditions: Types"": Overview"

74.                            V/10    "Change View ""Access Sequences"": Overview"

75.                            V/11    "Change View ""Procedures"": Overview"

76.                            V/12    Create Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

77.                            V/13    Change Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

78.                            V/14    Display Condition Table (Accnt Determination Sales/Distribution)

79.                            V/LD   Execute Pricing Report

80.                            V_NL   Create net price list

81.                            V_R2   Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: Evaluation

82.                            V_UC  Selection of Incomplete SD Documents

83.                            V_V2   Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: by material

84.                            V-61    Create Customer Discount Condition (K007): Fast Entry

85.                            V-64    Display Customer Discount (K007): Selection

86.                            VA00   SAP Easy Access Sales

87.                            VA01   Create Sales Order

88.                            VA02   Change Sales Order

89.                            VA03   Display Sales Order

90.                            VA05   List of Sales Orders

91.                            VA07   Selection: Comparison of Orders with Purchase Requisitions and POs

92.                            VA08   Adjustment sales-purchasing (selection using organizational data)

93.                            VA11   Create Inquiry

94.                            VA12   Change Inquiry

95.                            VA13   Display Inquiry

96.                            VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Deliver

97.                            VA15   List of Inquiries

98.                            VA21   Create Quotation

99.                            VA22   Change Quotation

100.                          VA23   Display Quotation

101.                          VA25   List of Quotations

102.                          VA26   List of Quotations (Follow-up Actions)

103.                          VA31   Create Scheduling Agreement

104.                          VA32   Change Scheduling Agreement

105.                          VA33   Display Scheduling Agreement

106.                          VA35   List of Scheduling Agreements

107.                          VA41   Create Contract

108.                          VA42   Change Contract

109.                          VA42W            Change Contract

110.                          VA43   Display Contract

111.                          VA44   Actual Overhead: Calculation: Sales Order

112.                          VA45   List of Contracts

113.                          VA46   List of Contracts (Follow-up Actions)

114.                          VA51   Create Item Proposal

115.                          VA52   Change Item Proposal

116.                          VA53   Display Item Proposal

117.                          VA55   List of Item Proposals

118.                          VA88   Actual Settlement: Sales Orders

119.                          VACF  Fiscal year close: Carry forward commitment

120.                          VB01   Create Listing/Exclusion

121.                          VB02   Change Listing/Exclusion

122.                          VB03   Display Listing/Exclusion

123.                          VB11   Create Material Determination

124.                          VB12   Change Material Determination

125.                          VB13   Display Material Determination

126.                          VB21   Create Sales Deal

127.                          VB22   Change Sales Deal

128.                          VB23   Display Sales Deal

129.                          VB25   List of Sales Deals

130.                          VB31   Create Promotion

131.                          VB32   Change Promotion

132.                          VB33   Display Promotion

133.                          VB35   Promotions List

134.                          VB41   Create cross-selling

135.                          VB42   Change cross-selling

136.                          VB43   Display cross-selling

137.                          VBG1  Create Material Grouping

138.                          VBG2  Change Material Grouping

139.                          VBG3  Display Material Grouping

140.                          VBK0  SAP Easy Access Material Grouping/Bonus Buy

141.                          VBK1  Create bonus buy

142.                          VBK2  Change bonus buy

143.                          VBK3  Display bonus buy

144.                          VBN1  Create free goods determination

145.                          VBN2  Change free goods determination

146.                          VBN3  Display free goods determination

147.                          VBO1  Create Rebate Agreement

148.                          VBO2  Change Rebate Agreement

149.                          VBO3  Display Rebate Agreement

150.                          VBOF  Update Billing Documents

151.                          VC/2    Sales Summary

152.                          VC00   SAP Easy Access Sales Support

153.                          VC01   Create Sales Activity

154.                          VC02   Change Sales Activity

155.                          VC03   Display Sales Activity

156.                          VCC1  Payment Cards: Worklist

157.                          VD01   Customer Create (Sales)

158.                          VD02   Customer Change (Sales)

159.                          VD03   Customer Display (Sales)

160.                          VD04   Customer Account Changes

161.                          VD05   Customer Block/Unblock

162.                          VD06   Customer Flag for Deletion

163.                          VD51   Create Customer-Material Info Record

164.                          VD52   Selection of Customer-Material Info Records (Change)

165.                          VD53   Selection of Customer-Material Info Records (Display)

166.                          VD59   List customer-material-info

167.                          VDH2  Display customer hierarchy

168.                          VF00   SAP Easy Access Billing

169.                          VF01   Create Billing Document

170.                          VF02   Change Billing Document

171.                          VF03   Display Billing Document

172.                          VF04   Maintain Billing Due List

173.                          VF05   List of Billing Documents

174.                          VF11   Cancel Billing Document

175.                          VF21   Create Invoice List

176.                          VF22   Change invoice list

177.                          VF23   Display Invoice List

178.                          VF25   List of Invoice Lists

179.                          VF26   Cancel Invoice List

180.                          VF31   Output from Billing

181.                          VFRB  Retro-billing

182.                          VFX3   Release Billing Documents for Accounting

183.                          VG01   Create Group

184.                          VG02   Change Group

185.                          VG03   Display Group

186.                          VGK1 Create Group: Documents by Group

187.                          VGK2 Change Group

188.                          VGK3 Display Group

189.                          VGM1  Create Group: Documents by Group

190.                          VI01    Create Shipment Costs

191.                          VI02    Change Shipment Costs

192.                          VI03    Display freight costs

193.                          VI04    Shipment List: Create shipment costs

194.                          VI05    List Shipment Costs: Change Worklist

195.                          VI11    List Shipment Costs: Calculation

196.                          VI12    List Shipment Costs: Settlement

197.                          VI16    Logs in the application log

198.                          VK11   Create Condition Records

199.                          VK12   Change Condition Records

200.                          VK13   Display Condition Records

201.                          VK14   Create Condition Records with Reference

202.                          VKM1  Blocked SD Documents

203.                          VKM2  Released SD Documents

204.                          VKM3  Sales Document

205.                          VKM4  SD Documents

206.                          VKM5  Deliveries

207.                          VKP0 SAP Easy Access Pricing

208.                          VKP1 Change Price Calculation

209.                          VKP5 Create Price Calculation

210.                          VL00   SAP Easy Access Shipping

211.                          VL01N Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

212.                          VL01NO           Create Outbound Delivery without Order Reference

213.                          VL02N             Change Outbound Delivery

214.                          VL03N             Display Outbound Delivery

215.                          VL04   Sales Orders/Purchase Orders Worklist: Selection

216.                          VL06   Delivery Monitor

217.                          VL06C Outbound Deliveries for Confirmation

218.                          VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution

219.                          VL06F General Delivery List - Outbound Deliveries

220.                          VL06G Oubound Deliveries for Goods Issue

221.                          VL06I   Inbound Delivery Monitor

222.                          VL06IC            Inbound Deliveries for Confirmation

223.                          VL06ID            Inbound Deliveries for Distribution

224.                          VL06IF List of Inbound Deliveries

225.                          VL06IG            Inbound Deliveries for Goods Receipt

226.                          VL06IP            Inbound Deliveries for Putaway

227.                          VL06L Outbound Deliveries for Loading

228.                          VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor

229.                          VL06P Outbound Deliveries for Picking

230.                          VL06T  Outbound Deliveries for Transportation Planning

231.                          VL06U Unchecked Outbound Deliveries

232.                          VL08   Report Results of Pick Order

233.                          VL09   Reverse Goods Movement

234.                          VL10   Sales Orders, Fast Display

235.                          VL10A Sales Orders, Fast Display

236.                          VL10B Purchase Orders, Fast Display

237.                          VL10H Sales Order and Purchase Order Items

238.                          VL10I   Sales and Purch. Order Item Sched. Lines

239.                          VL21   Create Background Jobs for Goods Issue Posting

240.                          VL22   Display change documents of delivery

241.                          VL23N Scheduling reports for background processing

242.                          VL30   SAP Easy Access Inbound Delivery

243.                          VL31N Create Inbound Delivery

244.                          VL32N Change Inbound Delivery

245.                          VL33N Display Inbound Delivery

246.                          VL34   Generation of Inbound Deliveries

247.                          VL35   Create Picking Waves According to Delivery Compare Times

248.                          VL35_S                       Create Pick. Waves Acc. To Shpmnts

249.                          VL36   Change Wave Picks

250.                          VL37   Wave Pick Monitor

251.                          VL41   Create Rough Goods Receipt

252.                          VL42   Change Rough GR

253.                          VL43   Display Rough GR

254.                          VLSP  Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split

255.                          VM01  Create hazardous material

256.                          VM02  Change hazardous material

257.                          VM03  Display hazardous material

258.                          VRRE  Create Returns Delivery for Repair Order

259.                          VS00   SAP Easy Access Sales Master Data

260.                          VS01   Create scale

261.                          VS02   Change scale

262.                          VS03   Display scale

263.                          VS04   Create scale with reference

264.                          VS05   List Scales

265.                          VS06   List Scales (Shipment Cost)

266.                          VSB1 Inbound Monitor: SD Self-Billing Procedure, Status Window

267.                          VT00   SAP Easy Access Transportation

268.                          VT01N Create Shipment

269.                          VT02N Change Shipment

270.                          VT03N Display Shipment

271.                          VT04   Create shipments in collective proc.

272.                          VT05   Logs in the application log

273.                          VT06   Shipment List: Colelctive change shpmt

274.                          VT11   Shipment List: Planning

275.                          VT12   Shipment List: Shipment Completion

276.                          VT16   Shipment List: Check-in

277.                          VT20   Overall Shipment Status Monitor

278.                          VT22   Selection Screen: Change Document Shipment

279.                          VT32   Selection Criteria for Forwarding Agent

280.                          VT70   Messages for Shipments

281.                          VV21   Create Output - Condition Records: Shipping

282.                          VV22   Change Output - Condition Records: Shipping

283.                          VV23   Display Output - Condition Records: Shipping

284.                          VV31   Create Output - Condition Records: Billing

285.                          VV32   Change Output - Condition Records: Billing

286.                          VV33   Display Output - Condition Records: Billing

287.                          VV51   Create Output - Condition Records: Sales activities

288.                          VV52   Change Output - Condition Records: Sales activities

289.                          VV53   Display Output - Condition Records: Sales activities

290.                          VV61   Create Output - Condition Records: Handling Units

291.                          VV62   Change Output - Condition Records: Handling Units

292.                          VV63   Display Output - Condition Records: Handling Units

293.                          VV71   Create Output - Condition Records: Transport

294.                          VV72   Change Output - Condition Records: Transport

295.                          VV73   Display Output - Condition Records: Transport

296.                          VVG1  Create Output - Condition Records: Groups

297.                          VVG2  Change Output - Condition Records: Groups

298.                          VVG3  Display Output - Condition Records: Groups

299.                          VX00   SAP Easy Access Foreign Trade / Customs

300.                          VX01N License Create

301.                          VX01X License Create

302.                          VX02N License Change

303.                          VX02X License Change

304.                          VX03N License Display

305.                          VX03X License Display

306.                          VX0C SAP Easy Access Foreign Trade

307.                          W10M  SAP Easy Access Retailing

308.                          WA01  Create Allocation Table

309.                          WA02  Change Allocation Table

310.                          WA03  Display Allocation Table

311.                          WB26  Trading Contract: Document Flow

312.                          WB27  Trading Contract: Document Flow

313.                          WB28  Trading contract: Display change documents

314.                          WB2R  Global Trade General Control Parameters

315.                          WB60  Create Promotions

316.                          WB61  Change Promotions

317.                          WB62  Display Promotions

318.                          WB63  Delete Promotions

319.                          WB66  Plants in a Class - Maintain Assignment

320.                          WDBI  Assortment List: Initialization and Full Version

321.                          WDBM            Assortment List.: Manual Request

322.                          WDIS SAP Easy Access Materials Requirements Planning

323.                          WDRD1           Determine Delivery Relationship

324.                          WDRD2           Change Delivery Relationship

325.                          WDRD3           Display Delivery Relationship

326.                          WDRD4           Delete Delivery Relationship

327.                          WEKF             SAP Easy Access Purchase Order

328.                          WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor

329.                          WF40 Delete distribution

330.                          WF50 Adjust Distribution: Selection

331.                          WF60 Create Outbound Deliveries for Merchandise Distribution

332.                          WF70 Create distribution orders - selection

333.                          WFRE Distribution of Returns Among Backorders

334.                          WKK1  Create Market-Basket Price Calculation

335.                          WLCN  Delete All Listing Conditions From Layout Module

336.                          WLWB Space Management: Layout Workbench

337.                          WMB1 Create Price Entry

338.                          WMB2 Change Price Entry

339.                          WMB3 Display Price Entry

340.                          WMBE Stock Overview: Value-only Material

341.                          WPER POS Interface Monitor

342.                          WPLG Space Management: Display Materials in Layout Module

343.                          WPMA Direct requrest for POS outbound

344.                          WPMI POS Outbound: Initialization

345.                          WPMU POS Interface - Outbound: Change Message

346.                          WPUF             POS Simulation: Accounting Documents - Items

347.                          WPUK             POS Simulation: Selection

348.                          WPUS             Simulation: Inbound Processing

349.                          WPUW            Goods Movements

350.                          WSE4 Material Discontinuation (Material/Plant Discontinuation)

351.                          WSK1 Assortment Copy Assortment

352.                          WSL0 Material Groups - Material - Assortments Consistency Check

353.                          WSL1 Listing Conditions

354.                          WSL11            Evaluation of Listing Conditions

355.                          WSL5 Modules in Assortment

356.                          WSL7 Material List of a Vendor for Assortment

357.                          WSM4A           Automatic Relisting Via Changes to Assortment Master Data

358.                          WSM8                         Reorganize Listing Conditions By Material Group

359.                          WSM9 Deletion of Obsolete Listing Conditions

360.                          WSO1             Assortment Module Create

361.                          WSO5             Assortment Module assignment to Assortment: Maintn

362.                          WSO7             Assortment Module assignment to Assortment: Display

363.                          WSOA1           Create Assortment

364.                          WSOA2           Change Assortment

365.                          WSOA3           Display Assortment

366.                          WSP4 Create Individual Listing Material/Assortment

367.                          WSP5 Change Individual Listing Material/Assortment

368.                          WSP6 Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment

369.                          WSPL Display/edit material master segments that cannot be generated

370.                          WVA1 Create Planned mark-up

371.                          WVA2 Change Planned mark-up

372.                          WVA3 Display Planned mark-up

373.                          WVA7 Display Planned markup (Price list)

374.                          WVFB             Simulation Store Orders: Header Data Selection

375.                          WVFD             Send physical inventory document

376.                          WVFI   Simulation: Store Physical Inventory/Sales Price Change

377.                          WVM2 Transfer of Stock and Sales Data

378.                          WVN0  Pricing Worklist: Generate

379.                          WVN1  Release Worklist for Material

380.                          WWM1            Create Product Catalog

381.                          WWM2            Change Product Catalog

382.                          WWM3            Display Product Catalog

383.                          WWM4            Copy Product Catalog

            384.                          WWM5            Delete Product Catalog

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP S/4 HANA Logistics Team Lead
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com