1. ME00          SAP Easy Access Purchasing
2. ME01          Maintain Source List
3. ME03          Display Source List
4. ME04          Changes to Source List
5. ME05          Generate Source List
6. ME06          Analyze Source List
7. ME07          Reorganize Source List
8. ME08          Send Source List
9. ME0M         Source List for Material
10. ME11          Create Info Record
11. ME12          Change Info Record
12. ME13          Display Info Record
13. ME14          Changes to Purchasing Info Record
14. ME15          Flag Info Record for Deletion
15. ME16          Deletion Proposals for Info Records
16. ME17          Archive Administration (Purchasing Info Records)
17. ME18          Send Purchasing Info Record
18. ME1A         Archived Purchasing Info Records
19. ME1B         Define Background Job
20. ME1E         Quotation Price History
21. ME1L          Info Records per Vendor
22. ME1M         Info Records per Material
23. ME1P         Purchase Order Price History
24. ME1W        Info Records Per Material Group
26. ME1X         Print Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor
27. ME1Y         Print Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Material
28. ME21N       Create Purchase Order
29. ME22N       Change Purchase Order
30. ME23N       Display Purchase Order
31. ME24          Maintain PO Supplement
32. ME25          Create PO (with Source Determination)
33. ME26          Display PO Supplement
34. ME27          Create Purchase Order (Stock Transfer)
35. ME28          Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
36. ME29N       Display Purchase Order (Individual Release)
37. ME2A         Monitor Vendor Confirmations
38. ME2B         Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
39. ME2C         Purchasing Documents for Material Group
40. ME2J          Purchasing Documents per Project
41. ME2K         Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
42. ME2L          Purchasing Documents per Vendor
43. ME2M         Purchasing Documents for Material
44. ME2N         Purchasing Documents per Document Number
45. ME2O         SC Stock Monitoring for Vendor
46. ME2S         PO Reporting with Services
47. ME2V         Expected Goods Receipts
48. ME2W        Purchasing Documents per Supplying Plant
49. ME308        Send Contracts (with Conditions)
50. ME31          Create Outline Agreement
51. ME31K       Create Contract
52. ME31L        Create Scheduling Agreement
53. ME32          Change Outline Agreement
54. ME32K       Change Contract
55. ME32L        Change Scheduling Agreement
56. ME33          Display Outline Agreement
57. ME33K       Display Contract
58. ME33L        Display Scheduling Agreement
59. ME34          Maintain Outline Agreement Supplement
60. ME34K       Maintain Contract Supplement
61. ME34L        Maintain Sched. Agmt. Suppl.
62. ME35          Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents
63. ME35K       Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreement)
64. ME35L        Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (Scheduling Agreement)
65. ME36          Display Outline Agreement Supplement
66. ME37          Create Scheduling Agreement
67. ME38          Maintain Sch. Agmt Schedule
68. ME39          Display Sch. Agmt Schedule
69. ME3A         Send Release Document
70. ME3B         Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number
71. ME3C         Purchasing Documents for Material Group
72. ME3J          Outline Agreements per Project
73. ME3K         Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment
74. ME3L          Purchasing Documents per Vendor
75. ME3M         Purchasing Documents for Material
76. ME3N         Purchasing Documents per Document Number
77. ME3P         Define Background Job
78. ME3R         Define Background Job
79. ME3S         Contract Reporting with Services
80. ME41          Create RFQ
81. ME42          Change RFQ
82. ME43          Display RFQ
83. ME44          Maintain RFQ Supplement
84. ME45          Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents (RFQ)
85. ME47          Maintain Quotation
86. ME48          Display Quotation
87. ME49          Price Comparison List
88. ME4B         Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number (RFQ)
89. ME4C         Purchasing Documents for Material Group (RFQ)
90. ME4L          Purchasing Documents per Vendor (RFQ)
91. ME4M         Purchasing Documents for Material (RFQ)
92. ME4N         Purchasing Documents per Document Number (RFQ)
93. ME4S         RFQs per Collective Number
94. ME51N       Create Purchase Requisition
95. ME52N       Change Purchase Requisition
96. ME53N       Display Purchase Requisition
97. ME54N       Release Purchase Requisition (Individual Release)
98. ME55          Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions
99. ME56          Assign Source to Supply to Requisitions
100. ME57          Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions
101. ME58          Ordering: Assigned Purchase Requisitions
102. ME59N       Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
103. ME5A         List Display of Purchase Requisitions
104. ME5F         Release (Approval) Reminder: Purchase Requisitions
105. ME5J          List Display of Purchase Requisitions for Project
106. ME5K         List Display of Purchase Requisitions (by Account Assignment)
107. ME5W        Resubmission of Purchase Requisitions
108. ME61          Maintain Vendor Evaluation
109. ME62          Display Vendor Evaluation
110. ME63          Calculate Scores for Semi-Automatic and Automatic Subcriteria
111. ME64          Evaluation Comparison
112. ME65          Ranking List of Vendors
113. ME6A         Display Change Documents
114. ME6B         Ranking List of Vendor Evaluations Based on Material/Material Group
115. ME6C         Vendors Without Evaluation
116. ME6D         Vendors Not Evaluated Since...
117. ME6E         Evaluation Records Without Weighting Key
118. ME6F         Print Vendor Evaluation Sheet
119. ME6G         Define Background Job
120. ME6H         Vendor Evaluation Analysis
121. ME80          Purchasing Documents (General Analysis)
123. ME80          A Purchasing Documents (RFQs)
124. ME80          AN General Evaluations (RFQs)
125. ME80F        Purchasing Documents (Purchase Orders)
126. ME80FN     General Evaluations (Purchase Orders)
127. ME80R       Purchasing Documents (Outline Agreements)
128. ME80RN     General Evaluations (Outline Agreement)
129. ME81N       Analysis of Purchase Order Values
130. ME82          Archived Purchasing Documents
131. ME84          Create Releases
132. ME84A       Individual Display of Scheduling Agreement Release
133. ME85          Renumber SA Delivery Schedule Lines
134. ME86          Aggregation/Disaggregation of Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
135. ME87          Summarization and Removal of PO History Records
136. ME88          Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity and Reconciliation Date
137. ME91          Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
138. ME91A       Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters
139. ME91E       Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Scheduling Agreement)
140. ME91F        Purchasing Documents.: Reminders/Expediters (Purchase Orders)
141. ME92          Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments
142. ME92F        Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Purchase Order)
143. ME92K       Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Contract)
144. ME92L        Monitor Receipt of Order Acknowledgments (Scheduling Agreement)
145. ME98          Archive Administration (Purchasing Documents)
146. ME99          Output from Purchase Orders
147. ME9A         Message Output (Request for Quotation)
148. ME9E         Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
149. ME9F         Message Output (Purchase Order)
150. ME9K         Message Output (Contract)
151. ME9L          Message Output (Scheduling Agreement)
152. MEAN         "Address maintanance: Initial screen ""Delivery addresses (master data)""
153. MEB0         Cancel Settlement Runs
154. MEB1         Create Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
155. MEB2         Change Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
156. MEB3         Display Agreement (Rebate Arrangement)
157. MEB4         Settlement: Vendor Rebate Arrangements, Purchasing
158. MEB5         List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements: Purchasing
159. MEB8         Detailed Statement; Vendor Busn. Vols.: Reb. Arrangements, Purchasing
160. MEDL         Price Change Involving Vendor's Contracts
161. MEI1           Changes to Purchasing Documents Due to Changes in Conditions
162. MEI2           Mass Adjustment of Documents Due to Changes in Documentss
163. MEI3           Recompilation of Doc. Index (Auto. Document Adj., Subseq.
164. MEI4           Automatic Document Adjustment: Create Worklist
165. MEI5           Automatic document adjustment: delete worklist
166. MEI6           Delete document index (Auto. Doc. Adjustment, Subsequent Settlement)
167. MEI7           Make Price Change in Open Purchase Orders
168. MEI8           Recompilation of document index (doc. adjustment) for payment docs
169. MEI9           Recompilation of Doc. Index (Doc. Adjustment) for Vend. Billing Docs
170. MEK1         Create Condition Records
171. MEK2         Change Condition Records
172. MEK3         Display Condition Records
173. MEK31       Change Condition Records
174. MEK32       Change Condition Records
175. MEK33       Display Condition Records
176. MEK4         Create Condition Records with Reference
177. MEKA         Purchasing Conditions
178. MEKB         Conditions by Contract
179. MEKC         Conditions by Info Record
180. MEKD        Conditions for Material Group
181. MEKE         Conditions by Vendor
182. MEKF         Conditions for Material Type
183. MEKG        Conditions by Condition Group of Vendor
184. MEKH         Market Price
185. MEKI          Conditions by Incoterms
186. MEKJ         Conditions for Invoicing Party
187. MEKK         Conditions by Vendor Subrange
188. MEKL         Price Change Involving Vendor's Scheduling Agreements
189. MEKLE       Currency Change for Scheduling Agreement Conditions of Vendor
190. MEKP         Price Change Involving Vendor's Info Records
191. MEKPE      Currency Change for Info Record Conditions of Vendor
192. MEKR         Price Change Involving Vendor's Contracts
193. MEKRE      Currency Change for Contract Conditions of Vendor
194. MELB         Purchasing Transactions per Requirement Tracking Number
195. MEPA         Order Price Simulation/Price Information
196. MEPB         Price Information/Vendor Negotiation Sheet
197. MEPO        Display Purchase Order
198. MEQ1         Maintain Quota Arrangement
199. MEQ3         Display Quota Arrangement
200. MEQ4         Changes to Quota Arrangement
2001. MEQ6         Analyze Quota Arrangement
201. MEQ8         Quota Arrangement for Material
202. MEQB        Define Background Job
203. MEQM        Quota Arrangement for Material
204. MEU2         Perform Comparison of Business Volumes
205. MEW6        Assign Purchase Orders WEB
206. MEW7        Release of Service Entry Sheets
207. MEW8        Release of Service Entry Sheet
208. MK01          Create Vendor (Purchasing)
209. MK02          Change Vendor (Purchasing)
210. MK03          Display Vendor (Purchasing)
211. MK04          Vendor Account Changes (Purchasing)
212. MK05          Block/Unblock Vendor (Purchasing)
213. MK06          Flag for Deletion Vendor (Purchasing)
214. MK12          Plan Vendor
215. MK14          Planned Vendor Account Changes
216. MK19          Display in future Vendor
217. MKVG        Vendor's Settlement and Condition Groups
218. MKVZ         List of Vendors: Purchasing
219. MM00         SAP Easy Access Material Master
220. MM01         Create Material
221. MM02         Change Material
223. MM03         Display Material
224. MM04         Display Changes
225. MM06         Flag Material for Deletion
226. MM11         Schedule Creation of Material
227. MM12         Schedule Changing of Material
228. MM16         Schedule Material for Deletion
229. MM19         Display Material at Key Date
230. MM50         Extend Material View(s)
231. MM60         Materials List
232. MMAM        Change Material Type
233. MMH1         Create Trading Goods
234. MMI1          Create Operating Supplies
235. MMN1         Create Non-Stock Material
236. MMPI          Initialize Period for Material Master Records
237. MMPV        Close Period for Material Master Records
238. MMR1         Create Raw Material
239. MMRV        Allow Posting to Previous Period
240. MMS1         Create Service
241. MMSC        Enter storage locations collectivel
242. MMU1         Create Non-Valuated Material
243. MMV1         Create Packaging
244. MMVD        Change Material
245. MMVH        Create Material
246. MMVV        Change Material
247. MMZ2         Change Material
248. MN01          Create Output - Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
249. MN02          Change Output - Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
250. MN03          Display Output - Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ
251. MN04          Create Output - Condition Records: Purchase Order
252. MN05          Change Output - Condition Records: Purchase Order
253. MN06          Display Output - Condition Records: Purchase Order
254. MN07          Create Output - Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
255. MN08          Change Output - Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
256. MN09          Display Output - Condition Records: Purch. Outline Agr.
257. MN10          Create Output - Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
258. MN11          Change Output - Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
259. MN12          Display Output - Condition Records: Purch. Sch Agr Release
260. MN13          Create Output - Condition Records: Entry Sheet
261. MN14          Change Output - Condition Records: Entry Sheet
262. MN15          Display Output - Condition Records: Entry Sheet
263. MN21          Create Output - Condition Records: Inventory Management
264. MN22          Change Output - Condition Records: Inventory Management
265. MN23          Display Output - Condition Records: Inventory Management
266. MN24          Create Output - Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
267. MN25          Change Output - Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
268. MN26          Display Output - Condition Records: Inbound Delivery
269. MP01          Maintain Approved Manufacturer Parts List
270. MP02          Display Approved Manufacturer Parts List
271. MR00          SAP Easy Access Invoice
272. MR02          Invoice Items Release
273. MR03          Display Original Document
274. MR08          Cancel Invoice Document
275. MR11          Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account
276. MR21          Price Change - Overview Screen
277. MR42          Change Parked Document
278. MR43          Display Parked Document
279. MR44          Post Parked Document
280. MR90          Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification
281. MR91          Messages for Invoice Verification
282. MRA1         Archive Administration: Create Archive Files
283. MRA2         Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program
284. MRA3         Analysis of Invoice Document Archive
285. MRM0         SAP Easy Access Logistics Invoice Verification
286. MRM1         Create Message: Invoice Verificatio
287. MRM2         Change Output - Condition Records: Invoice Verification
288. MRM3         Display Output - Condition Records: Invoice Verification
289. MRNB         Revaluation with Logistics Invoice Verification
290. MSRV2       Reporting on Services (Purchase Requisition)

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP S/4 HANA Logistics Team Lead
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com