* Date fields are type d with the fixed length 8 and the internal * representation YYYYMMDD (year, month, and day). * The initial value of a date field is 00000000. DATA TODAY TYPE D. * The write command formats dates according to personal settings of * the end user. TODAY = SY-DATUM. WRITE (10) TODAY. * Using date fields to perform computations DATA ULTIMO TYPE D. * Set variable to first day of current month. ULTIMO = SY-DATUM. ULTIMO+6(2) = '01'. * Set variable to last day of previous month. SUBTRACT 1 FROM ULTIMO. WRITE / ULTIMO. * Time fields are type t with the fixed length 6 * and the format HHMMSS (hours, minutes, and seconds) DATA MY_TIME TYPE T. WRITE /(8) MY_TIME. 

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP S/4 HANA Logistics Consultant
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com