Showing posts from January, 2019Show all
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of the same type of field carrid from table SPFLI.
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of type S_CARR_ID.
SAP ABAP Declare a packed number variable with 7 decimal places.
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of type date
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of type integer
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of numeric type with 4 positions
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of type integer
SAP ABAP Declare a variable of type character with 10 positions
SAP ABAP Declare a table type with all components of the global structure SFLIGHT.
SAP ABAP Declare a structure containing all the fields mentioned
SAP ABAP Declare a table type of integers.
SAP ABAP Declare a structure type
SAP ABAP Declare a structure type with the following components of the global structure SFLIGHT
SAP ABAP Declare a type using the global structure SFLIGHT.
SAP ABAP Declare a structure type with 5 fields, each field with the same types from exercises 1 to 5.
SAP ABAP Declare a time type.
SAP ABAP Declare a date type.
SAP ABAP Declare a type as a number
SAP ABAP Declare an integer.
Declare a TYPE
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