Go to transaction LSMW.
Enter Project name    : zkn_lsmw.
      Subproject name : zkn_lsmw.
      Object name     : zkn_lsmw.
Click on Create entry (Shift+f1) button.
It will ask for description, Give description for
      Project name    : zkn_lsmw project.
      Subproject name : zkn_lsmw subproject.
      Object name     : zkn_lsmw object.
Click on Continue(f8) button.
It will takes u 2 the LSMW steps screen and first step radio button already selected. 

Step1  ( Maitain object attributes ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change object attributes" screen will appear.
Select Batch Input Rcording radio button.
Give Recording : zkn_rec and press Recordings:Overview button.
"Recordings of project 'ZKN_LSMW' : Overview" screen will apper.
Click on Create Recording(ctrl+f1) button.
It will gives u a small popup screen, here u can give
                Recording   : zkn_rec
                Description : zkn_rec recording
                Owner       : OBTDEV10, press Enter.
It will ask u for Transaction code.
                Transaction code : zknmp, press enter.
It will takes u 2 the zknmo transaction.
Give dummy vales and come back.
It takes u 2 the "Create Recording" screen.
Select 'BDC_CURSOR' and press 'Default all' button.
It will gives the Information popup screen, press 'Enter'.
Save and Back.
Then Back.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and second radio button will checked here already. 

Step2  ( Maitain source structures ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change source structures" screen will appear.
Click on 'Create structure (ctrl+f4)' button.
It will gives a popup screen, here u can give
                Source structure : zkn_str
                Description      : zkn_str source structure, and press enter.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and third radio button will checked here already. 

Step3  ( Maitain source fields ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change source fields" screen will appear.
Select zkn_str and press 'Copy fields (ctrl+f8)' button.
It will gives a popup screen, here u can select
                From data file (field names in 1 line ) radio button, and press 'Enter'.
It will gives another popup screen, here u can give
                Number of fields  : 6
                Max.Record length : 100 , and press 'Enter'.
It will gives another popup screen, here u can give path
                File name : "c:\windows\desktop\text.txt"
                Data format : ASC, and press 'Tranfer' button.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and fourth radio button will checked here already. 

Step4  ( Maitain structure relations ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change structure relations" screen will appear.
Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and fifth radio button will checked here already. 

Step5  ( Maitain field mapping coversion rules ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Change field mapping coversion rules" screen will appear.
Select fields one by one and press 'Source field(ctrl+f2)' button.
It will givs u a popup screen, here u select related source field and press 'Enter'.
Repeate this process for all fields.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 6th radio button will checked here already. 

Step6  ( Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines ) :-
Here we con't do any thing.
Select next radio button(7th). 

Step7  ( Specify files ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Specify files (Change)" screen will appear.
Select "Legacy data" and press 'Create entery(ctrl+f2)' button.
It gives a "File on front end : Edit properties" popup screen.
Here        File        : "c:\windoes\desktop\text.txt"
                Description : Data uploading using LSMW
                Select 'Tabulator' radio button.
                Check 'Field names at the beginning of the file'.
                Uncheck 'Order of fields as in source structure definition.
Press 'Enter'.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 8th radio button will checked here already. 

Step8  ( Assign files ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Assign files (Change)" screen will appear.
Then Save and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 9th radio button will checked here already. 

Step9  ( Read data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Read data for zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw" screen will appear.
Give Transaction number 1 to 100, press 'Execute(f8)' button.
Back and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 10th radio button will checked here already. 

Step10  ( Display read data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
It will gives a popup screen, give
                From line : 1
                To line   : 100, press 'Enter'.
"LSM Workbench: Display read data" screen will appear.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 11th radio button will checked here already. 

Step11  ( Convert data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Convert data for zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw, zkn_lsmw" screen will appear.
Give Transaction number 1 to 100, press 'Execute(f8)' button.
Back and Back.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 12th radio button will checked here already. 

Step12  ( Display converted data ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
It will gives a popup screen, give
                From line : 1
                To line   : 100, press 'Enter'.
"LSM Workbench: Display converted data" screen will appear.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 13th radio button will checked here already. 

Step13  ( Create batch input session ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"LSM Workbench: Create batch input session" screen will appear.
Check 'Keep batch input session(s)?' check box, and press 'Execute(f8)' button.
It will gives an Information popup screen , press 'Enter'.
Now u came back to  LSMW steps screen and 14th radio button will checked here already. 

Step14  ( Run batch input session ) :-
Click on Execute(ctrl+f8) button.
"Batch input : Session ovrview" screen will appear.
Press 'Process(f8)' button.
It will gives a popup screen.
Select run mode Background/foreground , and press 'Process' button.
It will takes u 2 the actual transaction if u selected foreground option.

Data upload using "LSMW" is successfully done.
Go to se11 and check for the data uploaded or not. 
Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP MM SD Consultant
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com