We generate different kinds of files varying from Excel sheets to Text files based on the data available in SAP. It is very much possible to zip multiple reports within a single zip file and download the zip file from SAP.

In this article we are going to generate a zip file which will contain Material Number (MATNR) and Material Description (MAKTX) in two languages (English and German) in two different files.

SAP has provided the class CL_ABAP_ZIP for reading and writing zip files which we are going to utilize to generate zip file. Following is the sequence of process involved to generate a zip file.

  • Fetch data into internal tables
  • Convert them to xstring.
  • Create object for CL_ABAP_ZIP
  • Use add method to add new files to the zip archive
  • Now, save method returns the final zip file in xstring
  • Convert the xstring to internal table
  • Download it using GUI_DOWNLOAD
REPORT  zdi_zip.

      BEGIN OF file_stru,
        matnr TYPE matnr,
        maktx TYPE maktx,
      END OF file_stru,
      BEGIN OF s_matnr,
        matnr TYPE matnr,
      END OF s_matnr,
      BEGIN OF s_line,
        line TYPE LENGTH 256,
      END OF s_line,
      gt_mara_en LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF file_stru,
      gt_mara_de LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF file_stru,
      gt_matnr LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF s_matnr,
      go_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip,
      g_xstr_en TYPE xstring,
      g_xstr_de TYPE xstring,
      g_xstr_zip TYPE xstring.


  "Read and prepare data
  PERFORM fetch_data.

  "Create object for CL_ABAP_ZIP

  "Convert itabs to xstring
  PERFORM convert_to_xstring
    TABLES gt_mara_en
    USING  g_xstr_en.

  PERFORM convert_to_xstring
    TABLES gt_mara_de
    USING  g_xstr_de.

  "Add xstring as file content to zip
      name 'en.txt'
      content g_xstr_en

      name 'de.txt'
      content g_xstr_de

  "Get the xstring for final zip file
  g_xstr_zip go_zip->save).

  "Dowload the xstring received
  "from save method
  PERFORM download_zip_file.

  WRITE 'File Downloaded'.

*&      Form  fetch_data
*       text
FORM fetch_data.
        lt_mara_en LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF file_stru,
        lt_mara_de LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF file_stru,
        s_temp LIKE file_stru.

  "Select thousand materials
  FROM mara
  INTO TABLE gt_matnr
  UP TO 1000 ROWS.

  "Select their english texts
  FROM makt
  INTO TABLE lt_mara_en
    WHERE matnr EQ gt_matnr-matnr
    AND spras EQ 'E'.

  "Select their german texts
  FROM makt
  INTO TABLE lt_mara_de
    WHERE matnr EQ gt_matnr-matnr
    AND spras EQ 'D'.

  SORT gt_matnr ASCENDING.
  SORT gt_mara_en ASCENDING.
  SORT gt_mara_de ASCENDING.

  LOOP AT gt_matnr INTO s_matnr.

    CLEAR s_temp.

    READ TABLE lt_mara_en INTO s_temp
      WITH KEY matnr s_matnr-matnr.

    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      APPEND s_temp TO gt_mara_en.
      s_temp-matnr s_matnr-matnr.
      APPEND s_temp TO gt_mara_en.

    CLEAR s_temp.

    READ TABLE lt_mara_de INTO s_temp
      WITH KEY matnr s_matnr-matnr.

    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      APPEND s_temp TO gt_mara_de.
      s_temp-matnr s_matnr-matnr.
      APPEND s_temp TO gt_mara_de.


ENDFORM.                    "fetch_data

*&      Form  convert_to_xstring
*       text
*      -->P_TAB      text
*      -->P_XSTR     text
FORM convert_to_xstring
  TABLES p_tab
  USING p_xstr.

        lt_lines LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF s_line.

  LOOP AT p_tab INTO file_stru.
    s_line-line file_stru.
    APPEND s_line TO lt_lines.

*     FIRST_LINE       = 0
*     LAST_LINE        = 0
*     MIMETYPE         = ' '
     buffer           p_xstr
     text_tab         lt_lines
     failed           1
     OTHERS           2
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

ENDFORM.                    "convert_to_xstring

*&      Form  download_zip_file
*       text
FORM download_zip_file.

        l_len TYPE i,
        lt_lines LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF s_line.

      buffer          g_xstr_zip
*     APPEND_TO_TABLE = ' '
      output_length   l_len
      binary_tab      lt_lines.

      filename   'D:/out.zip'
      filetype   'BIN'
      filelength l_len
      data_tab   lt_lines.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

ENDFORM.                    "download_zip_file

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP MM SD Consultant
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com