Each master record has a unique number in SAP.SAP needs it to display or change the
master record and to post to the vendor account.
Number ranges in SAP can be assigned with a internally or externally generated
number by the user. While defining the range in SAP this option can be selected to let
the system decide the number range to be selected while creating the master data;
Internal Number range in SAP
If you select this option then the document number will be generated by SAP
automatically in serial order within the range that you have selected while de￱ning
number range and will allot the next available progressive number to the next data
created. This option is selected to reduce the manual involvement of the user. The
number must be numerical.
External Number Range in SAP
While creating a master data you need to enter a number manually. With external
number range option in SAP, system will not automatically insert a number to the
document or master data. User can pick it randomly. It can be alphanumeric. Entering
the document number manually for each SAP ñnancial posting is time consuming and
risky to book transactions.
A number range can either be created as year dependent or year independent. For
year-dependent, a document number range has to be deñned for each new
accounting year as a year-end activity. You can deñne it as year independent by keying
9999 in the Year column.
Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP MM SD Consultant
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com