What is the useful of SQ01? How it works?
SQ01 : is used to create Query form infoset you have created here you can select fields for selection screen and for list generation using check boxes.
You can generated different types of report using basic list, ranked list, statistics to output in graphical form.
SQ02 : is used to create infoset you need to tell the data source for your infoset like table join, direct read or data reterival using program, you can also put extras fields, structures and tables using extras button. and can code your own select query for that field or structure.
After generating the infoset you have to assign this to your usergroup you already created.
SQ03 : is used to create user groups for queries because every user have to be in at least one user group for creating infoset and queries. you have to create a user group and assign your user to that usergroup.
Our company just upgrade from 4.6C to ECC6. In the query environment (SQ01), everytime we want to enter sq01 we must change the query area (Environment --> Query Areas) to 'standard area'. How to set as default to 'standard area' . Currently it's default to 'GLobal area'. 
Insert parameter AQW as 'blank' in your user paramters. 
Insert a default query group via paramater AQB (check the user group name in SQ01).
How to put a transaction code in SQ01?  
For example:
I created a report with a query SQ01 to have a ALV grid.
I've the sales order number and others data.
I want to go directly to the sales order when I click onto the line of this ALV grid.
While editing your query in SQ01, use the menu path Goto -> Report Assignment. Press F6 or click the insert row button. On the popup that follows, click the "Other report type" button. Choose 'TR' type and then enter your transaction code. Save the settings on the "Assign Reports" popup and you are good to go.
What are the steps to transfer to production client?
Use transaction SE01 / SE09. Here choose "modifiable" and click "Display".
Now you get a list of all requests which can be released. 
Identify your request number. Release the sub-request first and then the main request by selecting and using the "transport" icon.
How can you use where conditions in sq01? Where do you write the sql statements?
You can write sql statements under the event" RECORD PROCESSING".
You can write sql statement under the event START-OF-SELECTION.
Whatever you are selecting the tables for query those will joined internally as inner join under the record processing event as loop. 
One by one record will get process under "RECORD PROCESSING"
So if you want to check or validate any field you can write here.  Here all the output data will be taken care by system itself in ALV GRID.
Here you can write all the code as in ABAP Editor.

Computer Engineer
ABAP Developer & SAP MM SD Consultant
Contact : serkurumsal@yandex.com