selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-000. PARAMETERS : ccode LIKE bsid-bukrs, date LIKE bsid-budat, cust LIKE knb1-kunnr. selection-screen end of block b1.
DATA : BEGIN OF i_customers OCCURS 0, kunnr LIKE knb1-kunnr, "customer no END OF i_customers.
DATA : BEGIN OF i_custopnbal OCCURS 0, budat LIKE bsid-budat, "posting date kunnr LIKE bsid-kunnr, "customer no wrbtr LIKE bsid-wrbtr, "amount in document shkzg LIKE bsid-shkzg, "debit/credit indicator END OF i_custopnbal.
DATA: fdate LIKE bsid-budat, ldate LIKE bsid-budat, month LIKE T009-ANZBP, monat like bkpf-monat, year LIKE bkpf-gjahr, tramount LIKE knc1-um01s, opamt LIKE bsid-wrbtr , opind , clamt LIKE bsid-wrbtr, clind , optot LIKE bsid-wrbtr , optoti, trtot LIKE bsid-wrbtr , trtoti, cltot LIKE bsid-wrbtr , cltoti, opgtot LIKE bsid-wrbtr, opgtoti, trgtot LIKE bsid-wrbtr, trgtoti, clgtot LIKE bsid-wrbtr, clgtoti, no type i value 1.
selection-screen: function key 1.
initialization. move 'Data1' to sscrfields-functxt_01.
at selection-screen.
if sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'. ccode = 'DATT'. date = '20040910'. cust = '0000500001'. endif.
SELECT SINGLE * FROM t001 WHERE bukrs = ccode.
IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE e000. ENDIF.
IF date > sy-datum. MESSAGE e002. ENDIF.
CALL FUNCTION 'RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS' EXPORTING day_in = date IMPORTING last_day_of_month = ldate.
fdate = date. fdate+6(2) = '01'.
SELECT kunnr FROM knb1 INTO TABLE i_customers WHERE bukrs = ccode.
LOOP AT i_customers.
SELECT budat kunnr wrbtr shkzg FROM bsid APPENDING CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE i_custopnbal WHERE bukrs = ccode AND kunnr = cust AND budat BETWEEN fdate AND ldate.
CALL FUNCTION 'FTI_FISCAL_YEAR_MONTH_GET' EXPORTING i_bukrs = ccode i_budat = date IMPORTING e_gjahr = year e_monat = monat.
AT NEW budat. FORMAT COLOR COL_GROUP INVERSE.. WRITE :/, / 'DATE:' , i_custopnbal-budat, ' CUSTMOER NO: ', i_customers-kunnr , 'COMPANY CODE:', ccode. FORMAT RESET. FORMAT COLOR 3. WRITE : /5 'S.NO' , 10 ' OPENING BAL', 30 'D/C', 35 ' TRANS AMT ', 60 'D/C', 65 ' CLOSING AMT ', 85 'D/C'. FORMAT RESET. ENDAT.
FORMAT COLOR 2. WRITE :/5 no,10 opamt NO-SIGN,30 opind, 35 i_custopnbal-wrbtr,60 i_custopnbal-shkzg, 65 clamt NO-SIGN,85 clind. FORMAT RESET.
PERFORM sub2 USING optot opamt . PERFORM sub1 USING optot optoti. PERFORM sub2 USING trtot i_custopnbal-wrbtr . PERFORM sub1 USING trtot trtoti. PERFORM sub2 USING cltot clamt . PERFORM sub1 USING cltot cltoti.
PERFORM sub2 USING opgtot opamt . PERFORM sub1 USING opgtot opgtoti. PERFORM sub2 USING trgtot i_custopnbal-wrbtr . PERFORM sub1 USING trgtot trgtoti. PERFORM sub2 USING clgtot clamt . PERFORM sub1 USING clgtot clgtoti.
opamt = clamt.
AT END OF budat. FORMAT COLOR 4. WRITE:/'SUBTOTAL:',10 optot NO-SIGN, 30 optoti, 34 trtot NO-SIGN, 60 trtoti, 65 cltot NO-SIGN, 85 cltoti . CLEAR :optot,trtot,cltot. FORMAT RESET. ENDAT. AT LAST. FORMAT COLOR 5. WRITE:/'GRANDTOT:',10 opgtot NO-SIGN, 30 opgtoti, 34 trgtot NO-SIGN, 60 trgtoti, 65 clgtot NO-SIGN, 85 clgtoti . FORMAT RESET. ENDAT.
ENDLOOP. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_CLAMT text * -->P_CLIND text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM sub1 USING p_clamt p_clind.
ENDFORM. " SUB1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB2 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_OPTOT text * -->P_OPAMT text * -->P_OPIND text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM sub2 USING p_optot p_opamt.
p_optot = p_optot + p_opamt .
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