• The SY-LSIND - system field contains the index of the list currently created. While creating a basic list, SY-LSIND equals 0. 
  • SY-LINCT total line count of a list. 
  • SY-LINNO current line no where cursor is placed. 
  • SY-LSIND Index of the list currently created during the current event (basic list = 0).
  • SY-LISTI Index of the list level from which the event was triggered. 
  • SY-LILLI Absolute number of the line from which the event was triggered 
  • SY-LISEL Contents of the line from which the event was triggered 
  • SY-CUROW Position of the line in the window from which the event was triggered (counting starts with 1) 
  • SY-CUCOL Position of the column in the window from which the event was triggered(counting starts with 2) 
  • SY-UCOMM Function code that triggered the event 
  • SY-PFKEY Always contains the status of the current list.
  • SY-LOOPC - Number of rows currently displayed in a screen table (table control).
  • SY-CPAGEPage number of the first displayed page of the list from which the event was triggered. Counting starts at 1
  •  SY-LSTAT - ID for list levels within the program. SY-LSTAT can be filled with values during list creation in the ABAP program. The value valid when the list is completed is saved with the list. In the case of an interactive list event, SY-LSTAT is set to the value it was assigned during the creation of the list from which the event takes place. SY-LSTAT is no longer maintained and should therefore no longer be used. 
Computer Engineer