report zfwr0001 no standard page heading.
tables: lfa1, bsik.
field-groups: header, item1, item2.
insert lfa1-lifnr bsik-belnr into header.
insert lfa1-land1 lfa1-name1 into item1.
insert bsik-belnr bsik-budat into item2.
get lfa1.
….extract item1.
get bsik.
….extract item2.
….at item1 with item2.
……..write:/ ‘Vendor number:’, 28 ‘Name:’, 56 ‘City:’.
……..write: 16 lfa1-lifnr, 33(20) lfa1-name1, 62(20) lfa1-ort01.
……..write:/ ‘Document no.’, 15 ‘Date’.
….at item2.
……..write:/ bsik-belnr, 13 bsik-budat.

Additional task:
Don’t forget to set the Logical database to KDF on the “Program Attributes” screen.
Vendor number: 100124 Name:Coca Cola City: New York
Document no. Date
1800000316 01/08/1997
Vendor number: 100126 Name: Universal Studios City: Los Angeles
Document no. Date
1800000109 12/02/1996
1800000341 01/10/1997
1800000321 01/14/1997