Type Permitted Positions m Meaning ABAP Type
ACCP 6 Posting period n, Length 6
CHAR 1-30000 Character string c, length m
CLNT 3 Client c, Length 3
CUKY 5 Currency key for currency fields c, Length 5
CURR 1-31 Currency field in BCD format p, length (m+1)/2
DATS 8 Date d
DEC 1-31 Packed number BCD format p, length (m+1)/2
DF16_DEC 1-15 Decimal floating point number stored in BCD format decfloat16
DF16_RAW 16 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format decfloat16
DF16_SCL 16 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format with subsequent scaling decfloat16
DF34_DEC 1-31 Decimal floating point number stored in BCD format decfloat34
DF34_RAW 34 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format decfloat34
DF34_SCL 34 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format with subsequent scaling decfloat34
FLTP 16 Floating point number f
INT1 3 1-byte integer b
INT2 5 2-byte integer s
INT4 10 4-byte integer i
LANG 1 Language c, Length 1
LCHR 256-... long character string c, length m
LRAW 256-... long byte string x, length m
NUMC 1-255 Numeric text n, length m
PREC 2 Obsolete data type s
QUAN 1-31 Quantity field in BCD format p, length (m+1)/2
RAW 1-255 Byte string x, length m
RAWSTRING 256-... Byte string (BLOB) xstring
SSTRING 1-1333 Character string string
STRING 256-... Character string (CLOB) string
TIMS 6 Time t
UNIT 2-3 Unit key of a quantity field c, length m